Citas bibligráficas
Pfuyo, K., (2015). Adaptación del método de diseño de mesclaz ACI 211.1 mediante reajuste de valores de relación A/C para cemento portland puzolánico tipo IP y agregados de las canteras de Vicho y Huambutio. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Pfuyo, K., Adaptación del método de diseño de mesclaz ACI 211.1 mediante reajuste de valores de relación A/C para cemento portland puzolánico tipo IP y agregados de las canteras de Vicho y Huambutio. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2015.
title = "Adaptación del método de diseño de mesclaz ACI 211.1 mediante reajuste de valores de relación A/C para cemento portland puzolánico tipo IP y agregados de las canteras de Vicho y Huambutio.",
author = "Pfuyo Mora, Kelvin Adriano",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2015"
This research, determined the water/cement (w/c) resistance, the development of concrete with conventional aggregates in the city of Cusco, such as those from quarries “Vicho“ and “Huambutío“; which have gradation quarry outside those recommended by the ASTM C33 standard parameters. The work was to adapt the mix design method ACI 211.1 for bad graded aggregates from quarries indicated (as is as sold in quarry) and Portland pozzolan cement IP type. Mention what I consider significant; is that the aggregate poorly graded studied, provides less resistance to compression of the concrete with respect to the expected (as tables development of resistance to IP cement) which involves the use of larger quantities of cement to equalize resistance provides Concrete made with good gradation. Different tables ratio A / C vs f'cr for bad graded added to designs consistencies are obtained: plastic, fluid and dry; similar to the tables indicating the mix design method ACI 211.1, which must be used for proper dosage of concrete mixes that meets the required design strength way.
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