Bibliographic citations
Amachi, J., (2011). Autoestima y rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del Programa Académico Profesional de Turismo, semestre 2009-II, de la Universidad Andina del Cusco (Un estudio correlacional) [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Amachi, J., Autoestima y rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del Programa Académico Profesional de Turismo, semestre 2009-II, de la Universidad Andina del Cusco (Un estudio correlacional) [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2011.
title = "Autoestima y rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del Programa Académico Profesional de Turismo, semestre 2009-II, de la Universidad Andina del Cusco (Un estudio correlacional)",
author = "Amachi Lonconi, Juan Mario Bautista",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2011"
The name of this study whose formulation of the problem is: What is the level of correlation self-esteem and academic performance of students in the Academic Training Program of Tourism, the Universidad Andina del Cusco?. The overall objective was to determine the correlation between self-esteem and academic performance of students in the Academic Program of Tourism, the Universidad Andina del Cusco. The importance of this study lies in its contribution to the knowledge of developmental levels of self-esteem and its impact on academic performance, whose results will serve to contribute to the design guidelines and university policies to foster the development of self-esteem. The central hypothesis was: There exists a low correlation between self-esteem and academic performance of students in the Academic Program of Tourism, the Universidad Andina del Cusco. The research is descriptive and correlational study had a sample of 441 students from ten cycles per cluster. The instrument used to study selfestee of college students was the survey: self-concept in youth media and to measure academic performance had a record collection of data from the Office of Information Technology UAC. Pearson methodology was used to determine correlations. The main conclusions of this study were that there is a positive process level of self-esteem in general and academic performance in a regular level. The correlations between selfesteem and academic performance have a weak positive coefficient, the self-esteem affects academic performance but not determined. Academic performance is an effect that involves a number of factors, one of these is self-esteem.
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