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Pachas, (2024). Costeo basado en actividades y fijación de precios de la producción Pecuaria en Quilmaná-cañete, 2024 [Universidad Nacional de Cañete].
Pachas, Costeo basado en actividades y fijación de precios de la producción Pecuaria en Quilmaná-cañete, 2024 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Cañete; 2024.
title = "Costeo basado en actividades y fijación de precios de la producción Pecuaria en Quilmaná-cañete, 2024",
author = "Pachas Viacaba, , Nayely Arlette",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Cañete",
year = "2024"
Título: Costeo basado en actividades y fijación de precios de la producción Pecuaria en Quilmaná-cañete, 2024
Autor(es): Pachas Viacaba, , Nayely Arlette
Asesor(es): Huallpa Quispe, Patricia Matilde
Palabras clave: Costos basado en actividades; fijación de precios
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 8-nov-2024
Institución: Universidad Nacional de Cañete
Resumen: El presente trabajo de investigación denominado, Costeo basado en actividades y fijación de precios de la producción pecuaria en Quilmaná-Cañete, 2024, se desarrolló con la finalidad de evaluar la relación entre el costeo basado en actividades y la fijación de precios, se tuvo como objetivo general el determinar la relación del costeo basado en actividades y la fijación de precios de la producción pecuaria en Quilmaná-Cañete, 2024, la metodología aplicada es de tipo básica, nivel correlacional, diseño no experimental, método hipotético deductivo, el instrumento aplicado en la investigación fue el cuestionario a escala de Likert, con 23 ítems en total, divididos en dos secciones de acuerdo con las dos variables planteadas. Para el procesamiento y análisis de los datos recopilados se utilizaron programas como el Excel y el estadístico JAMOVI (versión 23.21) en base al Rho Spearman, el cual proporciono información necesaria para hallar el nivel de significancia de la relación entre la primera variable: Costeo basado en actividades y la segunda variable: Fijación de precios, aplicadas a una muestra de 31 ganaderos dedicados a la actividad pecuaria del Distrito de Quilmaná, Cañete, 2024. Asimismo se obtuvo resultados favorables en la comprobación de la hipótesis y el cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados inicialmente, necesarios a considerar en la investigación. Con los resultados que se obtuvieron se concluye que si existe correlación entre el costeo basado en actividades y la fijación de precios de la producción pecuaria en Quilmaná-Cañete, 2024, con un p valor=0.001 y un coeficiente r=0.620, es decir que se tuvo una correlación positiva alta entre las variables, aquello evidencia que mientras los ganaderos apliquen los conocimientos sobre el método de costeo basado en actividades establecerá e identificara los costos directos e indirectos de forma adecuada para la fijación de precios.
The present research work called, Activity-based costing and pricing of livestock production in Quilmaná-Cañete, 2024, was developed with the purpose of evaluating the relationship between activity-based costing and pricing. general objective to determine the relationship of activity-based costing and pricing of livestock production in Quilmaná-Cañete, 2024, the methodology applied is basic, correlational level, non-experimental design, hypothetical deductive method, the instrument applied in The research was the questionnaire on a Likert scale, with 23 items in total divided into two sections according to the two variables proposed. For the processing and analysis of the collected data, programs such as Excel and the JAMOVI statistic (version 23.21) based on Rho Spearman were used, which provided the necessary information to find the level of significance of the relationship between the first variable: Costing based in activities and the second variable: Price setting, applied to a sample of 31 ranchers dedicated to livestock activity in the District of Quilmaná, Cañete, 2024. Favorable results were also obtained in the verification of the hypothesis and the fulfillment of the stated objectives. initially, necessary to consider in the investigation. With the results obtained, it is concluded that there is an estimate between activity-based costing and pricing of livestock production in Quilmaná-Cañete, 2024, with a p value=0.001 and a coefficient r=0.620, that is, There was a high positive assessment among the variables, that is evidence that while ranchers apply knowledge about the activity-based costing method, they will establish and identify direct and indirect costs appropriately for pricing.
The present research work called, Activity-based costing and pricing of livestock production in Quilmaná-Cañete, 2024, was developed with the purpose of evaluating the relationship between activity-based costing and pricing. general objective to determine the relationship of activity-based costing and pricing of livestock production in Quilmaná-Cañete, 2024, the methodology applied is basic, correlational level, non-experimental design, hypothetical deductive method, the instrument applied in The research was the questionnaire on a Likert scale, with 23 items in total divided into two sections according to the two variables proposed. For the processing and analysis of the collected data, programs such as Excel and the JAMOVI statistic (version 23.21) based on Rho Spearman were used, which provided the necessary information to find the level of significance of the relationship between the first variable: Costing based in activities and the second variable: Price setting, applied to a sample of 31 ranchers dedicated to livestock activity in the District of Quilmaná, Cañete, 2024. Favorable results were also obtained in the verification of the hypothesis and the fulfillment of the stated objectives. initially, necessary to consider in the investigation. With the results obtained, it is concluded that there is an estimate between activity-based costing and pricing of livestock production in Quilmaná-Cañete, 2024, with a p value=0.001 and a coefficient r=0.620, that is, There was a high positive assessment among the variables, that is evidence that while ranchers apply knowledge about the activity-based costing method, they will establish and identify direct and indirect costs appropriately for pricing.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Contabilidad
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional de Cañete Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales
Grado o título: Licenciado en Contabilidad
Jurado: Uribe Hernández , Yrene Cecilia; Alegría Cueto, Oscar Fernando; Tasayco Jala , Abel Alejandro
Fecha de registro: 8-nov-2024
Este ítem está sujeto a una licencia Creative Commons Licencia Creative Commons