Title: Determinación de aspectos pesqueros y biología reproductiva de la carachama (familia loricaridae) en el caserío Higrompampa, región Huánuco
OCDE field: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#1.00.00
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva
Abstract: The objective of the study was to determine the fishing aspects and reproductive biology of
carachama (Familia Loricaridae) in the Higrompampa Caserío, Huánuco region. Through
interviews with the fishermen, it was decided to sample eight sectors known as Ex-puente
dam, Chulla, Km 22, Quebrada Roseacu, Puente Huanipampa, Puente Chimao, Higrompampa
and Santa Rita Sur that varied in altitude from 1,012 to 865 masl distributed in 14.5 km; The
fishermen were interviewed and then they went out to capture the carachamas at night, in
addition the water parameters have been measured. As a result, most fishermen choose to fish
once a week, resorting to a greater extent to the Ex Puente Presa point, the fishing time is
from 6 to 9 pm where there is no rain and preferably in Luna full; in Puente Chimao, a greater
quantity of fish was captured. The Chulla, Puente Chimao and Santa Rita points presented
higher population density with aggregate type distribution. The largest carachamas were
captured in the Ex Puente Presa and with lesser morphological characteristics it was found in
the Puente Chimao sector; In addition, there was a higher proportion of male fish in five
sampling areas. It is concluded that, in the section studied, there are Loricarids that have very
heterogeneous morphological characteristics and the reports in the study area are limited
Discipline: Ingeniería en Recursos Naturales Renovables
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva. Facultad de Recursos Naturales Renovables
Grade or title: Ingeniero en Recursos Naturales Renovables
Juror: Leví Ruiz, Yane; Rios García, Warren; Alvares Janampa, Carlos
Register date: 11-Mar-2024