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Gómez, A., (2019). Caracterización de la carne de Llama (Lama glama) procedente de Marcapomacocha (Junín) [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Gómez, A., Caracterización de la carne de Llama (Lama glama) procedente de Marcapomacocha (Junín) [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2019.
title = "Caracterización de la carne de Llama (Lama glama) procedente de Marcapomacocha (Junín)",
author = "Gómez Valencia, Andrea Lorena",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2019"
Título: Caracterización de la carne de Llama (Lama glama) procedente de Marcapomacocha (Junín)
Autor(es): Gómez Valencia, Andrea Lorena
Palabras clave: Llama; Carne; Corte; Canal animal; Piezas de carne; Calidad de la carne; Propiedades fisicoquímicas; Composición química; Peso de la canal; Rendimiento cárnico; Evaluación; Perú; Llama K'ara; Carne de llama; Cortes de carne; Marcapomacocha (dist); Yauli (prov); Junín (dpto); Composición químicofísica
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Institución: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Resumen: La presente investigación evaluó los rendimientos durante el faenamiento y cortes comerciales de canal, composición fisicoquímica y propiedades tecnológicas de la carne de 10 llamas K´ara de 18 a 24 meses de edad, criadas mediante un sistema extensivo tradicional, alimentándose de la vegetación característica del altiplano andino, proveniente del distrito de Marcapomacocha, provincia de Yauli, Junín, Perú (Lat. 11º S y Long. 76º O), que se caracteriza por presentar un clima frío y seco, siendo la temperatura promedio de 8 ºC y superando los 4300 msnm. De los análisis realizados en este estudio, se observó un mayor peso de la canal fría (49,7 kg); así como de sangre, patas y cabeza, al compararlas con llamas de edad similar. Los porcentajes de los pesos de los cortes comerciales fueron semejantes a los reportados en la literatura, presentando mayor porcentaje en pierna (33,5 por ciento). Se realizaron diversos análisis sobre el músculo Longissimus thoracis et lumborum: humedad, grasa, proteína, ceniza, minerales (Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na y K), pH, color (L*, a*, b*, C*, h*), mioglobina, colágeno, capacidad de retención de agua (pérdidas por presión y por cocción) y terneza. Se observó que la carne de llama presenta, en promedio, un nivel bajo de grasa intramuscular (1,23 por ciento); asimismo, se encontraron correlaciones lineales negativas entre su contenido de grasa y dureza (r = -0,71) y su contenido de hematina y valor b* (r = -0,70).
The present investigation evaluated the yields during the slaughter and commercial cuts of carcass, physicochemical composition and technological properties of the meat of 10 K'ara llamas from 18 to 24 months of age, reared by a traditional extensive system, feeding on the characteristic vegetation of the Andean highland, from the district of Marcapomacocha, province of Yauli, Junin, Peru (Lat. 11º S and Long. 76º W), which is characterized by a cold and dry climate, with an average temperature of 8 ºC and exceeding 4300 meters above sea level From the analyzes carried out in this study, a greater weight of the cold carcass (49,7 kg) was observed; as well as blood, legs and head, when compared with similar age. The percentages of the weights of the commercial cuts were similar to those reported in the literature, presenting a higher percentage in the leg (33,5 percent). Several analyzes were performed on the muscle Longissimus thoracis et lumborum: moisture, fat, protein, ash, minerals (Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na and K), pH, color (L *, a *, b*, C*, h*), myoglobin, collagen, water retention capacity (pressure and cooking losses) and tenderness. It was observed that llama meat presents, on average, a low level of intramuscular fat (1,23 percent); likewise, negative linear correlations were found between their fat content and hardness (r = -0,71) and their haematin content and b * value (r = -0,70).
The present investigation evaluated the yields during the slaughter and commercial cuts of carcass, physicochemical composition and technological properties of the meat of 10 K'ara llamas from 18 to 24 months of age, reared by a traditional extensive system, feeding on the characteristic vegetation of the Andean highland, from the district of Marcapomacocha, province of Yauli, Junin, Peru (Lat. 11º S and Long. 76º W), which is characterized by a cold and dry climate, with an average temperature of 8 ºC and exceeding 4300 meters above sea level From the analyzes carried out in this study, a greater weight of the cold carcass (49,7 kg) was observed; as well as blood, legs and head, when compared with similar age. The percentages of the weights of the commercial cuts were similar to those reported in the literature, presenting a higher percentage in the leg (33,5 percent). Several analyzes were performed on the muscle Longissimus thoracis et lumborum: moisture, fat, protein, ash, minerals (Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na and K), pH, color (L *, a *, b*, C*, h*), myoglobin, collagen, water retention capacity (pressure and cooking losses) and tenderness. It was observed that llama meat presents, on average, a low level of intramuscular fat (1,23 percent); likewise, negative linear correlations were found between their fat content and hardness (r = -0,71) and their haematin content and b * value (r = -0,70).
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Nota: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias. Departamento Académico de Tecnología de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
Disciplina académico-profesional: Tecnología de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias
Grado o título: Ingeniero en Industrias Alimentarias
Fecha de registro: 12-jul-2019
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