Citas bibligráficas
Salinas, J., (2022). Propuesta de desarrollo comercial para el posicionamiento de marca de una empresa productora de Pisco en Lima Metropolitana [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Salinas, J., Propuesta de desarrollo comercial para el posicionamiento de marca de una empresa productora de Pisco en Lima Metropolitana []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "Propuesta de desarrollo comercial para el posicionamiento de marca de una empresa productora de Pisco en Lima Metropolitana",
author = "Salinas Huánuco, Julieth Maylee",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
The pisco sector is becoming increasingly important in the country, the distillate considered a flagship product is a product rich in history, tradition and flavor. The growth in the competitiveness of the sector has led to differences between producers and their results to achieve their goals, specifically the case of a pisco producing company is taken. The main objective of this study is to establish commercial development guidelines, from a brand management approach, for Pisco Gran Paso in order to achieve positioning in the domestic market linked to commercial goals. The characteristics of the pisco market are described first with a PESTEL analysis and the five forces of Porter, in addition, the growth of supply and demand in the last 20 years is analyzed, then the characteristics of the consumer are described to find the valued characteristics of pisco that manages to connect with the target market and that allows it to compete with other brands in the market, finally the brand management of the company under study is described and the causes of low positioning are discovered to later propose the brand management actions that will serve base for the proposal of general commercial guidelines of the company. The methodology used was descriptive proposition with stages of office and field work in Metropolitan Lima. The results show that the actions of the company's brand management influence the positioning of the brand, it is also shown that the pisco market is heterogeneous at the supply level, that the characteristics most valued by the pisco consumer are quality , presentation, price and image and purchase it is finally shown that the emotional connection in the pisco product positively influences the decision of the product.
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