Citas bibligráficas
Payano, G., (2021). Implementación del Sistema de Gestión Antisoborno en la empresa INKAT SAC, basado en la Norma ISO 37001:2016 [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Payano, G., Implementación del Sistema de Gestión Antisoborno en la empresa INKAT SAC, basado en la Norma ISO 37001:2016 []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2021.
title = "Implementación del Sistema de Gestión Antisoborno en la empresa INKAT SAC, basado en la Norma ISO 37001:2016",
author = "Payano Contreras, Guillermo Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2021"
This monograph was prepared according to the guidelines of Resolution No. 00119-2020- CU-UNALM, and using the descriptive method. Shows the development for the design and implementation of the Anti-Bribery Management System of the company INKAT SAC; This was the central objective, for which a process-focused design was used, establishing the interrelation of the process groups, analyzing the process map established in the organization, confronting them with the requirements of the ISO 37001: 2006 standard. For Inkat, historically works with the State have represented more than 95% of its sales, so having the requirements demanded by the OSCE is of great importance; In this sense, it is that the General Management, in 2019 entrusted the bachelor (author of the present one), the implementation of this management system, given the experience in developing similar systems, and knowledge of the organization given the position of Assistant of Administration and Finance that he was performing at that time. In this document, it can be seen that in the implementation, design and process improvement techniques were used, the use of PHVA methodologies (Deming’ cycle) and the Harrington’s MPE. From the implementation it was possible to conclude that the company despite having a Tri-standard System (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001), did not have sufficient controls to properly manage the risks of bribery implicit in its processes, so the The main result of the implementation of the Anti-Bribery Management System is to contribute to the strengthening of the Management system in the organization, contributing to continuous improvement, and putting the organization at the forefront of the requirements demanded in the tenders in which it participates.
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