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Ricalde, A., (2023). Dosis de cloruro de mepiquat en ají escabeche (Capsicum baccatum var. Pendulum) [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Ricalde, A., Dosis de cloruro de mepiquat en ají escabeche (Capsicum baccatum var. Pendulum) []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Dosis de cloruro de mepiquat en ají escabeche (Capsicum baccatum var. Pendulum)",
author = "Ricalde Rosales, Alexis Adolfo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
Título: Dosis de cloruro de mepiquat en ají escabeche (Capsicum baccatum var. Pendulum)
Autor(es): Ricalde Rosales, Alexis Adolfo
Asesor(es): Casas Díaz, Andrés Virgilio
Palabras clave: Ají escabeche
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Institución: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Resumen: La presente investigación se realizó en el Instituto de Desarrollo Rural – IRD COSTA ubicada en la provincia de Cañete desde enero hasta julio del 2019. El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de aplicación de Cloruro de Mepiquat (CM) en términos de calidad y rendimientode ají escabeche. Las dosis empleadas de CM fueron: 1 l/ha, 1.5 l/ha, 2 l/ha, 2.5 l/ha y el tratamiento testigo 0 l/ha, aplicado durante la etapa de botón floral. Se usó el diseño de bloques al azar (DBCA) con 4 repeticiones y los datos fueron analizados con la prueba de Duncan a un nivel de significancia del 5%. Las evaluaciones fueron las siguientes: altura de planta (cm), cuajado de fruto (%), numero de frutos, rendimiento total, rendimiento comercial y no comercial, rendimiento por cosechas, diámetro de fruto (cm), longitud de fruto (cm), peso de fruto (g) y porcentaje de materia seca de hojas, tallos y frutos. Según los resultados, no se tuvieron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos las evaluaciones, sin embargo, se puede mencionar que en los parámetros de rendimiento y calidad el tratamiento 1 (1 l/ha de CM) tuvo altos valores en las evaluaciones de rendimiento total con 20.62 tn/ha, rendimiento de calidad primera con 10.86 tn/ha, longitud de fruto, diámetro y peso promedio en todas las categorías. Con respecto a la altura de planta, no se tuvo diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos y la concentración de cosecha solo fue evidente en la primera cosecha que el testigo tuvo el menor valor.
This research was carried out at the Rural Development Institute - IRD COSTA located in the province of Cañete since January to July 2019. The objective was to evaluate the effect of applying Mepiquat Chloride (MC) in terms of quality and yield of pickled bell pepper. The doses of MC used were: 1 l/ha, 1.5 l/ha, 2 l/ha, 2.5 l/ha and the control treatment 0 l/ha, applied during the flower bud stage. The randomized block design (DBCA) with 4 repetitions was used and the data were analyzed with Duncan's test at a significance level of 5%. The evaluations were as follows: plant height (cm), fruit set (%), number of fruits, total yield, commercial and non-commercial yield, yield by harvest, fruit diameter (cm), fruit length (cm), fruit weight (g) and percentage of dry matter of leaves, stems and fruits. According to the results, there were no significant differences between the evaluations treatments, however, it can be mentioned that in the performance and quality parameters treatment 1 (1 l/ha of MC) had high values in the total yield evaluations with 20.62 tn/ha, first quality yield with 10.86 tn/ha, fruit length, diameter and average weight in all categories. Regarding the plant height, there were no significant differences between the treatments and the harvest concentration was only evident in the first harvest that the control had the lowest value.
This research was carried out at the Rural Development Institute - IRD COSTA located in the province of Cañete since January to July 2019. The objective was to evaluate the effect of applying Mepiquat Chloride (MC) in terms of quality and yield of pickled bell pepper. The doses of MC used were: 1 l/ha, 1.5 l/ha, 2 l/ha, 2.5 l/ha and the control treatment 0 l/ha, applied during the flower bud stage. The randomized block design (DBCA) with 4 repetitions was used and the data were analyzed with Duncan's test at a significance level of 5%. The evaluations were as follows: plant height (cm), fruit set (%), number of fruits, total yield, commercial and non-commercial yield, yield by harvest, fruit diameter (cm), fruit length (cm), fruit weight (g) and percentage of dry matter of leaves, stems and fruits. According to the results, there were no significant differences between the evaluations treatments, however, it can be mentioned that in the performance and quality parameters treatment 1 (1 l/ha of MC) had high values in the total yield evaluations with 20.62 tn/ha, first quality yield with 10.86 tn/ha, fruit length, diameter and average weight in all categories. Regarding the plant height, there were no significant differences between the treatments and the harvest concentration was only evident in the first harvest that the control had the lowest value.
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Nota: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Horticultura
Disciplina académico-profesional: Agronomía
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía
Grado o título: Ingeniero Agrónomo
Jurado: Rodríguez Soto, Gilberto; Moreno Llacza, Sarita Maruja; Coronado Matutti, Karin Cecilia
Fecha de registro: 23-oct-2023
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