Citas bibligráficas
Bazo, I., (2024). Caracterización morfológica y molecular de germoplasma de tres razas de maíz amiláceo (Zea mays L.) del Perú [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Bazo, I., Caracterización morfológica y molecular de germoplasma de tres razas de maíz amiláceo (Zea mays L.) del Perú []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2024.
title = "Caracterización morfológica y molecular de germoplasma de tres razas de maíz amiláceo (Zea mays L.) del Perú",
author = "Bazo Soto, Isamar Celexe",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2024"
The 120 accessions of the Paro, Chullpi, and Piscorunto races evaluated in this study exhibit a wide range of morphological variability. In a basic descriptive analysis, several states in the qualitative characteristics were identified that had not been previously reported in the literature. Based on the comparison of the medians of quantitative traits using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, it was observed that there are significant differences between the medians of the three races. This implies that it has been possible to morphologically characterize each of the races. From a hierarchical multivariate approach, it was found that using the Gower distance combined with the WARD grouping, which resulted in a cophenetic correlation coefficient of 0.833, allowed for the grouping of accessions based on race. There were no duplicates present but five accessions were found to be in a different racial group. Using a hierarchical approach based on principal components, duplicates were evident when performing the HCPC with FAMD as a basis. This method effectively grouped the accessions by race. By applying different forms of principal components (CP) analysis, it was deduced that utilizing both quantitative and qualitative traits enables a more accurate grouping of accessions. Additionally, from the CP analysis, TG, CE, CG, and FSG were identified as the most discriminating qualitative characters, while NH, DME, DR, DAM, DM, NHT, PG, AG, and GG were identified as the most discriminating quantitative characters. Considering that all the descriptors evaluated are crucial for accurately grouping accessions by race. Regarding the analysis of variability and genetic structure, 30,873 SNPs were identified. After filtering out data with missing values at 5% in the SNPs, 20% in the genotypes, and with a Minor Allele Frequency (MAF) of 10%, 15,486 SNPs were retained for molecular characterization. Diversity indices such as GD, Ho, PIC, and MAF resulted in means of 0.38, 0.31, 0.3, and 0.28, respectively, evidencing the presence of molecular genetic variability in the accessions. Regarding the genetic structure, the three grouping methods - STR, PCA, and Euclidean genetic distance/UPGMA - that were used showed a certain level of agreement in identifying groups based on origin and race. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and the Fst index indicated low differentiation among the STR groups based on origin and race. Additionally, a significant number of heterozygous genotypes were observed, highlighting the high variability within and between accessions.
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