Bibliographic citations
Maraza, J., (2022). Elaboración de un manual de buenas prácticas de manufactura para una empresa de derivados lácteos [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Maraza, J., Elaboración de un manual de buenas prácticas de manufactura para una empresa de derivados lácteos []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "Elaboración de un manual de buenas prácticas de manufactura para una empresa de derivados lácteos",
author = "Maraza Torres, Jayme Ricardo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
The present Professional SufficiencyWork was developed in the facilities of the company"Mi Vaquita", and had the objective of elaborating a Manual of Good Manufacturing Practices, for which the identification of the deficient aspects was previously carried out through the compilation of company information, which was done by reviewing internal documentation, interviews with general management and part of the staff, visiting the plant, and applying a checklist. The latter was prepared based on D.S. N° 007-98-SA, Regulation on Surveillance and Sanitary Control of Food and Beverages (MINSA, 1998)and the R.D. No. 063-2013- DIGESA-SA. Record Sheet No. 5 Sanitary Inspection Act ofdairy processing establishments (MINSA, 2013). After applying the checklist, the company obtained a compliance level of "Poor", reaching only 61.75 points, out of a totalof 128. After the hygienic - sanitary diagnosis and the application of a problem selectionmatrix, the following were taken as main problems to solve: absence of records and procedures related to quality, lack of pest control and there is no planning in production, considering that a step for the improvement of the company was the development of the Manual of Good Manufacturing Practices.
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