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Parra, J., (2022). Control biológico de Palpita persimilis Munroe en el bosque El Olivar [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Parra, J., Control biológico de Palpita persimilis Munroe en el bosque El Olivar []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "Control biológico de Palpita persimilis Munroe en el bosque El Olivar",
author = "Parra Vizarreta, Jose Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
Título: Control biológico de Palpita persimilis Munroe en el bosque El Olivar
Autor(es): Parra Vizarreta, Jose Luis
Asesor(es): Rodríguez Berrío, Alexander Régulo
Palabras clave: Palpita persimilis; Olea europeae; Organismos; Estaciones del año; Control biológico; Agentes de control biológico; Evaluación; Perú; Olivo; Controladores del olivo; El Olivar de San Isidro; San Isidro (dist); Lima Metropolitana
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Institución: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Resumen: Se realizó la liberación combinada de tres densidades poblacionales de controladores biológicos Trichogramma pintoi y Chrysoperla externa, en el Bosque El Olivar, Lima, Perú. Posteriormente, se evaluó el número de larvas y pupas de P. persimilis, y se tomó los datos del peso de cosechas de los años 2018 y 2019 en todos los olivos estudiados bajo los tres tratamientos y muestras testigo, con el objetivo de evaluar la influencia del control biológico sobre las cosechas, y comparar los resultados. Palpita persimilis es una plaga que destruye los brotes en crecimiento del olivo, que precisamente forman las ramas nuevas donde se producirán los frutos del año siguiente. Chrysoperla externa ejerce una predación considerable de Palpita. Se considera también a Trichogramma pintoi como parasito primario de huevos de la misma plaga. Los resultados obtenidos durante el periodo de evaluaciones de la investigación, evidencian que el tratamiento 3, con la menor dosis de liberación de controladores biológicos, olivos más longevos y de mayor altura, fue el que obtuvo menor densidad total de P. persimilis, registrando casi la mitad que el tratamiento testigo. El tratamiento 1, con la mayor dosis de liberación, olivos más juveniles y de menor altura, fue el siguiente mejor resultado, obteniendo también una menor densidad que el testigo, pero por menor diferencia. Finalmente, el tratamiento 2, con una dosificación media de liberación y olivos con características similares al tratamiento 1, superó en densidad al tratamiento testigo. En relación a los resultados de cosecha, los tratamientos 3 y 1 obtuvieron el primer y segundo mejor rendimiento durante las cosechas de los años 2018 y 2019. Asimismo, en el 2019 se observa que todos los tratamientos obtuvieron mejores cosechas que el testigo, evidenciando, más allá de la diferencia de edad en los olivos, el efecto del control sobre P. persimilis.
The combined release of three population densities of biological control agents Trichogramma pintoi and Chrysoperla externa was carried out in The Olivar Forest, Lima, Peru. Subsequently, the number of larvae and pupae of P. persimilis was assessed, and data was taken from the harvests in 2018 and 2019 of all olive trees studied under the three treatments. Controlled samples were taken with the objective of evaluating the influence of the biological control on the harvests and comparing the results. Palpita persimilis is a pest that destroys the growing shoots of the olive tree which form the new branches that will produce the following year's fruit. Chrysoperla externa exerts a considerable predation on Palpita. Trichogramma pintoi is also considered as a primary parasite of eggs of the same pest. The results obtained during the evaluation period of the research show that treatment 3, with the lowest release dose of biological controllers, longer-lived and taller olive trees, was the one that obtained the lowest total density of P. persimilis, registering almost half that of the control treatment. Treatment 1, with the highest release dosage, more juvenile and shorter olive trees was the next best result, also obtaining a lower density than the control but by a smaller difference. Finally, treatment 2, with a medium release dosage and olive trees with similar characteristics to treatment 1, outperformed the control treatment in density. In relation to harvest results, treatments 3 and 1 obtained the first and second best yields during the 2018 and 2019 harvests. Likewise, in 2019 it is observed that all treatments obtained better harvests than the control, evidencing, beyond the difference in age of the olive trees, the effect of the control on P. persimilis.
The combined release of three population densities of biological control agents Trichogramma pintoi and Chrysoperla externa was carried out in The Olivar Forest, Lima, Peru. Subsequently, the number of larvae and pupae of P. persimilis was assessed, and data was taken from the harvests in 2018 and 2019 of all olive trees studied under the three treatments. Controlled samples were taken with the objective of evaluating the influence of the biological control on the harvests and comparing the results. Palpita persimilis is a pest that destroys the growing shoots of the olive tree which form the new branches that will produce the following year's fruit. Chrysoperla externa exerts a considerable predation on Palpita. Trichogramma pintoi is also considered as a primary parasite of eggs of the same pest. The results obtained during the evaluation period of the research show that treatment 3, with the lowest release dose of biological controllers, longer-lived and taller olive trees, was the one that obtained the lowest total density of P. persimilis, registering almost half that of the control treatment. Treatment 1, with the highest release dosage, more juvenile and shorter olive trees was the next best result, also obtaining a lower density than the control but by a smaller difference. Finally, treatment 2, with a medium release dosage and olive trees with similar characteristics to treatment 1, outperformed the control treatment in density. In relation to harvest results, treatments 3 and 1 obtained the first and second best yields during the 2018 and 2019 harvests. Likewise, in 2019 it is observed that all treatments obtained better harvests than the control, evidencing, beyond the difference in age of the olive trees, the effect of the control on P. persimilis.
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Nota: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Entomología
Disciplina académico-profesional: Agronomía
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía
Grado o título: Ingeniero Agrónomo
Jurado: Castillo Valiente, Jorge Ramón; Parodi Macedo, Guillermo José; Joyo Coronado, German Elías
Fecha de registro: 27-jul-2022
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