Citas bibligráficas
Chuchon, R., (2021). Obtención de un índice de estrés hídrico foliar en Quinua a través del procesamiento de imágenes térmicas [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Chuchon, R., Obtención de un índice de estrés hídrico foliar en Quinua a través del procesamiento de imágenes térmicas []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2021.
title = "Obtención de un índice de estrés hídrico foliar en Quinua a través del procesamiento de imágenes térmicas",
author = "Chuchon Remon, Rodolfo Juan",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2021"
Stress due to water deficit or drought occurs in plants in response to a water-scarce environment, where stomata close, transpiration decreases, and leaf temperature increases, reaching values higher than air temperature. On the other hand, unstressed plants can reach temperatures below air. The crop water stress index (CWSI) is based on the theory of energy balance, in that for certain meteorological conditions, a range of differences in the leaf temperature of the crop (Tc) with respect to that of the air (Ta), they exist within a lower limit (transpiration without water stress), and an upper limit (maximum water stress where there is no transpiration). From the above, the objective of this trial was to evaluate the variation of the CWSI of the cultivation of quinua mutant variety of Amarilla Marangani, via the leaf temperature by infrared thermography (IR), and its relationship with the volumetric soil moisture (θ%). There were two treatments, T0 (with irrigation equal to ETc) and T1 (irrigation with step reductions of 50, 75 and 100% of ETc), both under drip irrigation. An IR thermal camera, FLIR E60 brand, and climatic parameters were used to estimate the upper baseline (LS) and lower baseline (LI), in three representative stages of crop growth. The CWSI evaluations were performed between 44 and 120 DDS, between 13 and 14 hours. A linear and significant relationship (P <0.05) was found between CWSI and soil moisture (θ%). From these results, it is recommended to program the irrigation of the crop in a CWSI range of 0.38 to 0.6, with the value of 0.38, corresponding to soil moisture at field capacity; and 0.6, value that corresponds to the maximum CWSI before the start of the irrigation cut.
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