Citas bibligráficas
Parra, M., (2023). Detección del estado hídrico en plantas de vid mediante teledetección térmica y multiespectral bajo diferentes regímenes de riego [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Parra, M., Detección del estado hídrico en plantas de vid mediante teledetección térmica y multiespectral bajo diferentes regímenes de riego []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Detección del estado hídrico en plantas de vid mediante teledetección térmica y multiespectral bajo diferentes regímenes de riego",
author = "Parra Garzón, Mery Lizbeth",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
The remote sensing tools use in agriculture allows monitoring and diagnosing differentaspects crops because to plants have a spectral response that depends on its condition. The aim of the study was to determine water status vine plants by interpreting multispectral and thermal images captured with a drone; Therefore, remote sensing was used to determine'Sweet Celebration', 'Sweet Surprise' and 'Sweet Sapphire' water condition. The plants were subjected to different irrigation regimes, them were being monitored through multispectral and thermal interpretation, at par the effects of irrigation regimes on the harvested product were identified. It was applicated a completely randomized block statistical design with 5 treatments and 3 blocks; where: T1 (60 percent - ET), T2 (80 percent - ET), T3 (100 percent- ET), T4 (120 percent - ET), y T5 (140 percent - ET). The multispectral images were analyzed by calculating the Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI), in the thermal images the temperature of the canopy surface was determined. Harvested product was evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. The different irrigation regimes, the NDVI index, and the estimated temperature didn't show statistically significant differences (with a significance level of 0.01). It was observed that the plants with a water deficit showed the lowest NDVI values and the highest temperatures, with up to 4.2 °C above the other treatments, respect the harvested product, the treatments with water deficit showed the lowest production, loss of berry size, and uniformity in color. In conclusion, NDVI and the determination of leaf temperature it is possible to determine reference values according to the water status; regarding productivity and quality parameters can be affected depending on the sensitivity of each cultivar to water variations.
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