Citas bibligráficas
Rengifo, F., (2023). Influencia de la propuesta comercial y el nivel de abastecimiento de mineral aurifero para planta de beneficio, Trujillo, 2022 [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Rengifo, F., Influencia de la propuesta comercial y el nivel de abastecimiento de mineral aurifero para planta de beneficio, Trujillo, 2022 []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Influencia de la propuesta comercial y el nivel de abastecimiento de mineral aurifero para planta de beneficio, Trujillo, 2022",
author = "Rengifo Chirinos, Fernando Martin",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
Goal. Evaluate the commercial proposal and the supply of gold ore for the beneficiationplant, according to the perception of the gold producer. Methodology: Basic approach, quantitative type, transversal-explicative level, having apopulation of 282 companies in the mining sector, having a sample of 22 units. Conclusions: It is concluded that the commercial proposal is related to the level of supply of gold ore for the benefit plant, the most important dimension being the minimum purchase quantity. Recommendations: To improve the supply level of the processing plant, it is recommended to develop the commercial proposal, given that there is a relationship between both variables, focusing on the most determining dimension as the minimum purchase quantity.
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