Citas bibligráficas
Villacorta, A., (2023). Criterios para generar propuestas de servicio de mantenimiento de áreas verdes en Lima y provincias [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Villacorta, A., Criterios para generar propuestas de servicio de mantenimiento de áreas verdes en Lima y provincias []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Criterios para generar propuestas de servicio de mantenimiento de áreas verdes en Lima y provincias",
author = "Villacorta García, André Eysen",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
The lack of green areas in Peru, accentuated by climate change, requires an urgent analysis on the proper care of our environment, taking into account the ecology and ornamentation of the city. Particularly in our country, there is not as extensive information on urban gardening as it exists in other countries. Publications and documentation on the criteria to be considered for an adequate maintenance process of the urban green are still scarce, as well as being inaccessible to companies and institutions. Therefore, the objective of this work was to establish criteria and sound strategies for the implementation and care of green areas, so that they are sustainable in the long term. The sequence of the tendering process considers the following steps: 1) The presentation of the call and invitation; 2) Programming of the on-site technical visit; 3) Customer inquiries; 4) The proposals offered, deliverables and support; 5) Near the end of the process, the client can make a readjustment to the proposal; 6) Finally, the winning contractor of the tender is presented. Regarding the agronomic aspects to consider during this process to provide an adequate management it is recommended to contemplate the following criteria: 1) Characteristics and size of the green areas as well as surrounding infrastructures, 2) Analysis of the requirements and technical specifications, 3) Human resources management, 4) Proper planning of the essential tasks with the appropriate goods and the necessary budget, 5) Ample knowledge of ornamental species, climatic conditions and their effect on the physiology of the selected species. All of the mentioned factors (although not the only ones) will help us to promote favorable and specific proposals for Metropolitan and Regional Lima, in addition to other provinces within the country with similar urban green characteristics.
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