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Tongo, E., (2022). Sostenibilidad de los sistemas de producción pecuaria en la provincia de Oxapampa, Región Pasco [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Tongo, E., Sostenibilidad de los sistemas de producción pecuaria en la provincia de Oxapampa, Región Pasco []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "Sostenibilidad de los sistemas de producción pecuaria en la provincia de Oxapampa, Región Pasco",
author = "Tongo Pizarro, Eliseo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
Título: Sostenibilidad de los sistemas de producción pecuaria en la provincia de Oxapampa, Región Pasco
Autor(es): Tongo Pizarro, Eliseo
Asesor(es): Soplín Villacorta, Hugo
Palabras clave: Ganado; Explotaciones agrarias; Producción animal; Explotación en pequeña escala; Sistemas de explotación; Manejo del ganado; Manejo de fincas; Sostenibilidad; Entorno socioeconómico; Comunidades rurales; Evaluación; Perú
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Institución: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Resumen: El objetivo principal del estudio fue evaluar la sostenibilidad de los sistemas de producción pecuaria en los distritos de Oxapampa, Chontabamba y Huancabamba, Provincia de Oxapampa, Región Pasco. La metodología utilizada fue el MESMIS. Para la caracterización de los sistemas pecuarios los productores se agruparon en tres grupos: sistema pecuario extensivo tradicional, sistema pecuario semi extensivo y sistema pecuario extensivo. En una primera instancia se evaluó parcialmente la sostenibilidad ambiental, la sostenibilidad económica y la sostenibilidad social con sus respectivos indicadores, para luego evaluarlo de forma integral mediante el Índice General de Sustentabilidad (IGS) y por último corroborar el agrupamiento de los productores, mediante el análisis clúster jerárquico aglomerativo. Mediante el análisis MESMIS el sistema pecuario extensivo tradicional fue el más sostenible en la dimensión ambiental con 3.10, económica con 2.67 y social con 3.11, obteniendo este mismo sistema el IGS más alto con 2.96. Posteriormente los mismos productores con sus indicadores ambientales, económicos y sociales fueron sometidos al análisis de conglomerado jerárquico aglomerativo, utilizando como distancia de proximidad la distancia euclidiana y con los métodos de aglomeración: vinculación promedio o intergrupos (entre grupos), vinculación intragrupo (dentro de grupo), vecino más próximo, como también con la distancia de proximidad la distancia euclidiana al cuadrado y con los métodos de agrupamiento en clúster centroide, agrupamiento en clúster de mediana y método Ward, existiendo un conglomerado con los mismos productores seleccionados en el marco MESMIS, que forman parte del sistema extensivo tradicional.Para lo cual se utilizó el programa SPSS con una solución única de conglomerados de tres grupos.
The main objective of the study was evaluated the sustainability of livestock production systems in the districts of Oxapampa, Chontabamba and Huancabamba, Oxapampa Province, Pasco Region was studied. The methodology used was the MESMIS. For the characterization of the livestock systems, the producers were grouped into three groups: traditional extensive livestock system, semi-extensive livestock system and extensive livestock system. In the first instance, the environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and social sustainability with their respective indicators were partially evaluated, to later evaluate it in a comprehensive way through the General Sustainability Index (IGS) and finally to corroborate the grouping of producers, through the analysis agglomerative hierarchical cluster. Through the MESMIS analysis, the traditional extensive livestock system was the most sustainable in the environmental dimension with 3.10, economic with 2.67 and social with 3.11, obtaining this same system the highest IGS with 2.96. Subsequently, the same producers with their environmental, economic and social indicators were subjected to the agglomerative hierarchical conglomerate analysis, using the Euclidean distance as proximity distance and with the agglomeration methods: average or intergroup linkage (between groups), intragroup linkage (within group), closest neighbor, as well as with the proximity distance the squared Euclidean distance and with the centroid clustering methods, median clustering and Ward method, there is a cluster with the same producers selected in the MESMIS framework , which are part of the traditional extensive system. For which the SPSS program was used with a unique solution of conglomerates of three groups.
The main objective of the study was evaluated the sustainability of livestock production systems in the districts of Oxapampa, Chontabamba and Huancabamba, Oxapampa Province, Pasco Region was studied. The methodology used was the MESMIS. For the characterization of the livestock systems, the producers were grouped into three groups: traditional extensive livestock system, semi-extensive livestock system and extensive livestock system. In the first instance, the environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and social sustainability with their respective indicators were partially evaluated, to later evaluate it in a comprehensive way through the General Sustainability Index (IGS) and finally to corroborate the grouping of producers, through the analysis agglomerative hierarchical cluster. Through the MESMIS analysis, the traditional extensive livestock system was the most sustainable in the environmental dimension with 3.10, economic with 2.67 and social with 3.11, obtaining this same system the highest IGS with 2.96. Subsequently, the same producers with their environmental, economic and social indicators were subjected to the agglomerative hierarchical conglomerate analysis, using the Euclidean distance as proximity distance and with the agglomeration methods: average or intergroup linkage (between groups), intragroup linkage (within group), closest neighbor, as well as with the proximity distance the squared Euclidean distance and with the centroid clustering methods, median clustering and Ward method, there is a cluster with the same producers selected in the MESMIS framework , which are part of the traditional extensive system. For which the SPSS program was used with a unique solution of conglomerates of three groups.
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Nota: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Agricultura Sustentable
Disciplina académico-profesional: Agricultura Sustentable
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado
Grado o título: Doctoris Philosophiae - Agricultura Sustentable
Jurado: Gómez Pando, Luz Rayda; Alegre Orihuela, Julio César; Guevara Carrasco, Víctor Rodrigo; Romero Simón, Elisa Margarita
Fecha de registro: 2-ago-2022
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