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Huanuqueño, E., (2023). Desarrollo de híbridos simples de maíz popcorn morado mediante métodos convencionales [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Huanuqueño, E., Desarrollo de híbridos simples de maíz popcorn morado mediante métodos convencionales []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Desarrollo de híbridos simples de maíz popcorn morado mediante métodos convencionales",
author = "Huanuqueño Coca, Elías Hugo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
Título: Desarrollo de híbridos simples de maíz popcorn morado mediante métodos convencionales
Autor(es): Huanuqueño Coca, Elías Hugo
Asesor(es): Jiménez Dávalos, Jorge Eduardo
Palabras clave: razas nativas
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Institución: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Resumen: Con el objetivo de desarrollar híbridos simples (HS) de maíz morado reventón a partir de dos razas nativas de maíces peruanos a través del fitomejoramiento, se evaluaron 256 líneas segregantes de la cruza Kculli x Confite, luego se seleccionaron las sobresalientes, con las que se obtuvieron HS que fueron evaluados en La Molina. Los ensayos para evaluar líneas y probar híbridos se instalaron bajo el diseño de Látice Simple 16x16 y 11x11, respectivamente. Las parcelas experimentales estuvieron conformadas de un surco con 12 plantas, dos plantas por golpe distanciados a 35 cm y 80 cm entre surcos. Hubo diferencias estadísticas entre ambientes, genotipos e interacción GxA para volumen de expansión (VE), pigmentación del pericarpio (PP), porcentaje de granos expandidos (PGE), volumen de la roseta (VR) y rendimiento de grano (RG). En Huánuco, las características evaluadas tuvieron los promedios más bajos y en La Molina-3 los promedios superaron a los de La Molina-1. Considerando el modo de segregación de los caracteres de valor VE y PP, se estableció el índice de selección que permitió identificar a 80 líneas, doce de las cuales resultaron ser las más estables. Del cruce de estas líneas con un probador se obtuvieron 109 HS de maíz morado reventón, que junto a 12 testigos fueron evaluados en La Molina. Finalmente, se desarrollaron 11 HS potenciales, que en promedio tuvieron 24.3 ml/g de VE, 47.4 por ciento de PP y 6.0 t/ha de RG.
With the objective of developing simple hybrids (HS) of purple popcorn from two native landraces of Peruvian maize through plant breeding, 256 segregating lines of the Kculli x Confite cross were evaluated, then the outstanding ones were selected, with which HS were obtained that were evaluated in La Molina. The trials to evaluate lines and test hybrids were installed under the Simple Lattice 16x16 and 11x11 design, respectively. The experimental plots had a row with 12 plants, two plants per plot spaced at 35 cm and 80 cm between rows. There were statistical differences between environments, genotypes and GxA interaction for expansion volume (VE), pericarp pigmentation (PP), percentage of expanded grains (PGE), rosette volume (VR) and grain yield (RG). In Huánuco, the evaluated traits had the lowest averages, and in La Molina-3 the averages exceeded those of La Molina-1. Considering the mode of segregation of the VE and PP value characters, a selection index was established that allowed the identification of 80 lines, twelve of which turned out to be the most stable. From the crossing of these lines with a tester, 109 HS of purple popcorn were obtained, which together with 12 checks were evaluated in La Molina. Finally, 11 promising HS were developed, which had an average of 24.3 ml/g of VE, 47.4 percent of PP and 6.0 t/ha of GR.
With the objective of developing simple hybrids (HS) of purple popcorn from two native landraces of Peruvian maize through plant breeding, 256 segregating lines of the Kculli x Confite cross were evaluated, then the outstanding ones were selected, with which HS were obtained that were evaluated in La Molina. The trials to evaluate lines and test hybrids were installed under the Simple Lattice 16x16 and 11x11 design, respectively. The experimental plots had a row with 12 plants, two plants per plot spaced at 35 cm and 80 cm between rows. There were statistical differences between environments, genotypes and GxA interaction for expansion volume (VE), pericarp pigmentation (PP), percentage of expanded grains (PGE), rosette volume (VR) and grain yield (RG). In Huánuco, the evaluated traits had the lowest averages, and in La Molina-3 the averages exceeded those of La Molina-1. Considering the mode of segregation of the VE and PP value characters, a selection index was established that allowed the identification of 80 lines, twelve of which turned out to be the most stable. From the crossing of these lines with a tester, 109 HS of purple popcorn were obtained, which together with 12 checks were evaluated in La Molina. Finally, 11 promising HS were developed, which had an average of 24.3 ml/g of VE, 47.4 percent of PP and 6.0 t/ha of GR.
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Nota: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Agricultura Sustentable
Disciplina académico-profesional: Agricultura Sustentable
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado
Grado o título: Doctoris Philosophiae - Agricultura Sustentable
Jurado: Zolla Benites, Gastón Enrique; Julca Otiniano, Alberto Marcial; Heros Aguilar, Elizabeth Consuelo; Sanjinez Salazar, Faustino
Fecha de registro: 8-may-2023
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