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Alvarez, J., (2021). Alternativa de control de la oidiosis en Arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum) orgánico en Piura [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Alvarez, J., Alternativa de control de la oidiosis en Arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum) orgánico en Piura []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2021.
title = "Alternativa de control de la oidiosis en Arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum) orgánico en Piura",
author = "Alvarez Romero, Jhader Anthony",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2021"
Título: Alternativa de control de la oidiosis en Arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum) orgánico en Piura
Autor(es): Alvarez Romero, Jhader Anthony
Asesor(es): Mattos Calderón, Luz Leonor
Palabras clave: Arándano; Oidium; Enfermedades de las plantas; Control químico; Fungicidas; Dosis de aplicación; Etapas de desarrollo de la planta; Control de enfermedades; Evaluación; Análisis económico; Experimentación en campo; Perú; Control de oidiosis
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Institución: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Resumen: El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la efectividad de doce tratamientos alternativos para el control de Oidium sp. en el cultivo del arándano, bajo condiciones de campo. El experimento se instaló bajo un diseño de bloques completos al azar (DBCA) con trece tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron planteados en base a Bacillus subtilis, AP-01, Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03, Silicio, Azufre, Manano oligosácaridos (inductor de defensas) y bicarbonato de potasio. Los tratamientos que se aplicaron en rotación fueron: Bacillus subtilis AP-01 + Silicio, Bacillus subtilis AP-01 + Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03, Manano oligosacaridos + Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03, Silicio + Azufre, Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03 + Azufre y Manano oligosacáridos + Azufre. Los tratamientos sin rotación fueron: Bacillus subtilis AP-01, Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03, Silicio, Azufre, Manano oligosacáridos y bicarbonato de potasio. Las aplicaciones se realizaron semanalmente, desde la brotación hasta la prefloración. Se evaluó con una frecuencia de siete días la incidencia y severidad en hojas. Luego, dichas variables fueron transformadas al área bajo la curva del progreso de la enfermedad (ABCPE) para los análisis estadísticos. En la cosecha se evaluó el rendimiento por planta, sólidos solubles y calibre. Los resultados indican que los tratamientos a base de bicarbonato de potasio y azufre sin rotación tuvieron el mejor efecto de control de la incidencia con una eficacia de 61.85 y 42.81 % respectivamente. Del mismo modo, los tratamientos a base de bicarbonato de potasio, Azufre y Azufre en rotación con Silicio presentaron el mejor efecto de control de la severidad con una eficacia de 73.96, 56.7 y 54.82 % respectivamente. Asimismo, los tratamientos no influyeron significativamente en los parámetros de cosecha. Estos resultados indican que el bicarbonato de potasio, azufre y silicio constituyen una alternativa para el manejo no convencional del Oidium sp. en el cultivo del Arándano
The objective of this research was to determine the effectiveness of twelve alternative treatments for the control of Oidium sp. in blueberry cultivation, under field conditions. The experiment was installed under a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with thirteen treatments and four repetitions. The treatments were proposed based on Bacillus subtilis, AP-01, Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03, Silicon, Sulfur, Manane oligosaccharides (inducer of defenses) and potassium bicarbonate. The treatments that were applied in rotation were: Bacillus subtilis AP-01 + Silicon, Bacillus subtilis AP-01 + Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03, Manano oligosaccharides + Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03, Silicon + Sulfur, Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03 + Sulfur and Manano oligosaccharides + Sulfur. The treatments without rotation were: Bacillus subtilis AP-01, Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03, Silicon, Sulfur, Manane oligosaccharides and potassium bicarbonate. Applications were performed weekly, from budding to pre-flowering. The incidence and severity in leaves was evaluated with a frequency of seven days. These variables were then transformed to the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) for statistical analysis. In the harvest, the yield per plant, soluble solids and caliber was evaluated. The results indicate that treatments based on potassium bicarbonate and sulfur without rotation had the best incidence control effect with an efficacy of 61.85 and 42.81 % respectively. Similarly, treatments based on potassium bicarbonate, sulfur, and sulfur in rotation with silicon presented the best effect of controlling severity with an efficacy of 73.96, 56.7 and 54.82% respectively. Also, the treatments did not significantly influence the harvest parameters. These results indicate that potassium, sulfur and silicon bicarbonate constitute an alternative for the unconventional management of Oidium sp. in blueberry cultivation
The objective of this research was to determine the effectiveness of twelve alternative treatments for the control of Oidium sp. in blueberry cultivation, under field conditions. The experiment was installed under a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with thirteen treatments and four repetitions. The treatments were proposed based on Bacillus subtilis, AP-01, Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03, Silicon, Sulfur, Manane oligosaccharides (inducer of defenses) and potassium bicarbonate. The treatments that were applied in rotation were: Bacillus subtilis AP-01 + Silicon, Bacillus subtilis AP-01 + Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03, Manano oligosaccharides + Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03, Silicon + Sulfur, Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03 + Sulfur and Manano oligosaccharides + Sulfur. The treatments without rotation were: Bacillus subtilis AP-01, Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03, Silicon, Sulfur, Manane oligosaccharides and potassium bicarbonate. Applications were performed weekly, from budding to pre-flowering. The incidence and severity in leaves was evaluated with a frequency of seven days. These variables were then transformed to the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) for statistical analysis. In the harvest, the yield per plant, soluble solids and caliber was evaluated. The results indicate that treatments based on potassium bicarbonate and sulfur without rotation had the best incidence control effect with an efficacy of 61.85 and 42.81 % respectively. Similarly, treatments based on potassium bicarbonate, sulfur, and sulfur in rotation with silicon presented the best effect of controlling severity with an efficacy of 73.96, 56.7 and 54.82% respectively. Also, the treatments did not significantly influence the harvest parameters. These results indicate that potassium, sulfur and silicon bicarbonate constitute an alternative for the unconventional management of Oidium sp. in blueberry cultivation
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Nota: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Fitopatología
Disciplina académico-profesional: Agronomía
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía
Grado o título: Ingeniero Agrónomo
Jurado: Escobedo Álvarez, Jorge Alberto; Cadenas Giraldo, Carlos Alberto; Huarhua Zaquinaula, Medali Heidi
Fecha de registro: 7-mar-2022
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