Citas bibligráficas
Gavilano, F., (2015). Factores asociados a la frecuencia de caries dental en pre-escolares de la I.E.I. 303 Almirante Miguel Grau, Ilo- 2015 [Tesis, Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui].
Gavilano, F., Factores asociados a la frecuencia de caries dental en pre-escolares de la I.E.I. 303 Almirante Miguel Grau, Ilo- 2015 [Tesis]. : Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui; 2015.
title = "Factores asociados a la frecuencia de caries dental en pre-escolares de la I.E.I. 303 Almirante Miguel Grau, Ilo- 2015",
author = "Gavilano Segura, Fiory Sarita",
publisher = "Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui",
year = "2015"
The prevailing problems with regard to the oral health in children in pre-school age are the alterations in the growth, development and oral cavities. The first problem is usually related to oral habits incorrect, which are conducive to the development of poor occlusions. Secondly, caries, which is currently the most common chronic disease in childhood. It is said that children with early childhood caries are twice of decayed teeth, obstructed and lost in relation to those who do not possess them. The objective of the research was to determine the frequency of caries and the factors which they attach to it. An observational prospective study was conducted of cross cut during 2015 with a sample of 120 children of both sexes from 3 to 5 years old who regularly attended the educational institution. The data were collected between the months of October and November by a clinical examination of diagnosis and a questionnaire for the parents and/or guardians. The results found were: 70.8 per cent of the entire student population presents dental caries, 20.8 per cent of children taking bottle, 15.8% presented dental caries. 60% of children with frequency of tooth brushing once a day 44.2% present dental caries. Of the 42.5 per cent of children who consume carbohydrates twice a day the 29.2% presented caries, while 52.5% of girls 36,75% presents dental caries and of 34.2 per cent of children of 4 years the 29.2% present dental caries with greater proportion than of children of 3 and 5 years of age. These data were obtained through the use of the statistical test X2 homogeneity. Conclusion: With this investigation showed that the health of children is affected to a great degree by the dental caries and that this attributed to some risk factors.
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