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Cardozo, L., (2018). La conciencia fonológica y la lectura inicial [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón].
Cardozo, L., La conciencia fonológica y la lectura inicial [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón; 2018.
title = "La conciencia fonológica y la lectura inicial",
author = "Cardozo Ugaz, Lisete Margot",
publisher = "Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón",
year = "2018"
Título: La conciencia fonológica y la lectura inicial
Autor(es): Cardozo Ugaz, Lisete Margot
Asesor(es): Portilla Candiotti, María Alexandra
Palabras clave: Conciencia fonológica; Lectura; Educación--Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Institución: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
Resumen: El propósito de este trabajo de investigación es describir la relación entre la conciencia fonológica y la adquisición de la lectura inicial en la etapa preescolar del niño. Se considera que el procesamiento fonológico implica la adquisición de mayor capacidad en la manipulación de los sonidos de la lengua, relacionada con la exposición cada vez más sistemática al aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura. Por lo tanto, propone que durante los primeros años de la escolaridad, este desarrollo puede ser evaluado mediante tareas específicas que demanden habilidades de análisis y síntesis fonológica del lenguaje de distinta complejidad. Como es de resaltar la lectura es una de las habilidades instrumentales fundamentales para el desarrollo personal y profesional; para garantizar su adquisición en sus diferentes etapas y niveles del procesamiento lector, el niño durante dicha etapa debe desarrollar algunos procesos cognitivos y psicolingüísticos que son cruciales para el aprendizaje de la lectura. La conciencia fonológica permite, a diferentes niveles, el correcto reconocimiento de los sonidos que forman parte del lenguaje oral, lo que posibilita al niño establecer la relación entre las letras y sus sonidos (grafema y fonema) para que se le resulte más fácil descomponer el código ortográfico para una adecuada adquisición de la lectoescritura.
The purpose of this investigation is to describe the relation between phonological awareness and the acquisition of early reading at the preschool age of the child. It is consider that phonological processing involves the acquisition of a major capacity in the management of the sounds of language related to the exposition increasingly systematic in the learning of reading and writing. Therefore, it propose that during the first years of school, this progress can be evaluated by specific tasks that require abilities as analysis and phonological synthesis of the language of different difficulty. Reading is one of the fundamental instrumentals skills for personal and professional development; to guarantee it is acquisition in it’s different stages and levels of processing, the child during this stage must develop some cognitive and psycholinguistic processes that are crucial for reading learning. Phonological awareness allows, at different levels, the correct identification of the sounds that are part of oral language, which allows child to establish the relation between letters and their sounds (grapheme and phoneme) to make it easy to divide the linguistic code for an adequate acquisition of literacy.
The purpose of this investigation is to describe the relation between phonological awareness and the acquisition of early reading at the preschool age of the child. It is consider that phonological processing involves the acquisition of a major capacity in the management of the sounds of language related to the exposition increasingly systematic in the learning of reading and writing. Therefore, it propose that during the first years of school, this progress can be evaluated by specific tasks that require abilities as analysis and phonological synthesis of the language of different difficulty. Reading is one of the fundamental instrumentals skills for personal and professional development; to guarantee it is acquisition in it’s different stages and levels of processing, the child during this stage must develop some cognitive and psycholinguistic processes that are crucial for reading learning. Phonological awareness allows, at different levels, the correct identification of the sounds that are part of oral language, which allows child to establish the relation between letters and their sounds (grapheme and phoneme) to make it easy to divide the linguistic code for an adequate acquisition of literacy.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Educación Primaria
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
Grado o título: Licenciada en Educación Primaria
Fecha de registro: 8-feb-2018
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