Citas bibligráficas
Beltran, K., (2024). Estudio de las tipologías arquitectónicas tradicionales en las viviendas de Lambayeque en la época virreinal entre los años 1700 – 1800 [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Beltran, K., Estudio de las tipologías arquitectónicas tradicionales en las viviendas de Lambayeque en la época virreinal entre los años 1700 – 1800 []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2024.
title = "Estudio de las tipologías arquitectónicas tradicionales en las viviendas de Lambayeque en la época virreinal entre los años 1700 – 1800",
author = "Beltran Cabrera, Katherine Mercedes",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2024"
In Lambayeque, a significant part of the houses built during the viceregal period of the 18th century are recognized as cultural heritage of the nation. Despite this, there is still a significant gap in scientific knowledge about the architectural typologies to which they belong. For this reason, the present research, categorized as a descriptive study, establishes as a research question: What are the architectural typologies of the houses of Lambayeque in the viceregal period? having as its main objective to carry out a study of the architectural typologies of the houses of Lambayeque in the viceregal period and as specific objectives to catalog the houses built in the viceregal period between the years 1700-1800, to know their history and to establish a historical line that facilitates the monitoring of the viceregal architectural transformation of Lambayeque. To achieve these objectives, research techniques such as direct observation, documentary analysis, interviews, mapping and cartography were used to provide historical context and key information on the social and architectural evolution of the city. Three main types of viceregal housing were identified: the common Indian house, the smaller houses and the larger houses, in addition to establishing their state of conservation and a historical line between 1700 and 1800. The results reveal architectural patterns that reflect the viceregal influence in the region, which contributes to a better understanding of the architectural and cultural development of Lambayeque. This study sets an important precedent for the conservation and preservation of architectural heritage, by providing a solid basis for future restoration and enhancement interventions.
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