Citas bibligráficas
Guevara, G., (2024). Efecto de la inversión pública en el índice de desarrollo humano en la región Lambayeque, periodo 2018 – 2019 [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Guevara, G., Efecto de la inversión pública en el índice de desarrollo humano en la región Lambayeque, periodo 2018 – 2019 []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2024.
title = "Efecto de la inversión pública en el índice de desarrollo humano en la región Lambayeque, periodo 2018 – 2019",
author = "Guevara Ortiz, Gersson Leonardo",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2024"
The main objective of this research was to determine the effect of public invention on the human development index (HDI) of the Lambayeque region, period 2018 - 2019, for which the methodological guidelines of the quantitative approach were followed, in addition, the research It was of basic type, of non-experimental design and the sample was made up of the 38 districts of the region, in a temporary period of 2 years, for which, the total of observations was 76, whose data were extracted from official sources. such as the INEI and the MEF and were processed in the Eviews 12 statistical program through the panel data methodology. The main result was that public investment has not had a significant or positive influence on the human development index (HDI) of the Lambayeque region in the 2018 – 2019.
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