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Zamora, N., (2024). Endomarketing en la Empresa Casas y Colores Cusco, periodo 2023 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Zamora, N., Endomarketing en la Empresa Casas y Colores Cusco, periodo 2023 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2024.
title = "Endomarketing en la Empresa Casas y Colores Cusco, periodo 2023",
author = "Zamora Acosta, Nelmy Gabriela",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2024"
Title: Endomarketing en la Empresa Casas y Colores Cusco, periodo 2023
Authors(s): Zamora Acosta, Nelmy Gabriela
Advisor(s): Pando Díaz, Waldo Alex
Keywords: Endomarketing; Análisis del entorno; Motivación y satisfacción; Orientación al cliente externo
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 15-Aug-2024
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: En la presente pesquisa denominada “endomarketing en la empresa Casas y colores S.R.L, Cusco
en el año 2023”, se tiene como objetivo general describir el endomarketing. El enfoque de la
investigación es cuantitativo, posee diseño no experimental y el alcance descriptivo; se tomó en
cuenta como población y muestra a 30 trabajadores de la empresa Casas y colores S.R.L, para que
puedan responder las preguntas planteadas en la investigación y la recolección de datos fue a través
de las encuestas, según los resultados que se obtuvieron en dicha investigación se llegó a la
conclusión que el endomarketing en la empresa casas y colores S.R.L, es poco adecuado con un
promedio de 3.20 considerado poco adecuado, dicho promedio hallado en base a los resultados de
las tres dimensiones como son: análisis del entorno con un promedio de 3.28 considerado poco
adecuado, motivación y satisfacción con un promedio de 2.93 considerado poco adecuado, y por
ultimo orientación al cliente externo con un promedio de 3.38, por tanto, es necesario gestionar
de mejor manera el endomarketing con los trabajadores de la empresa.
In this research called “endomarketing in the company Casas y Colores S.R.L, Cusco in the year 2023”, the general objective is to describe endomarketing. The research approach is quantitative, has a non-experimental design and descriptive scope; The population was taken into account and sampled 30 workers from the company Casas y Colores S.R.L, so that they could answer the questions posed in the research and data collection was through surveys and according to the results obtained in said research. It was concluded that endomarketing in the company Casas y Colores S.R.L is not very suitable with an average of 3.20 considered not very suitable, said average found based on the results of the three dimensions such as: analysis of the environment with an average of 3.28 considered unsuitable, motivation and satisfaction with an average of 2.93 considered unsuitable, and finally external customer orientation with an average of 3.38, therefore, it is necessary to better manage endomarketing with the company's workers.
In this research called “endomarketing in the company Casas y Colores S.R.L, Cusco in the year 2023”, the general objective is to describe endomarketing. The research approach is quantitative, has a non-experimental design and descriptive scope; The population was taken into account and sampled 30 workers from the company Casas y Colores S.R.L, so that they could answer the questions posed in the research and data collection was through surveys and according to the results obtained in said research. It was concluded that endomarketing in the company Casas y Colores S.R.L is not very suitable with an average of 3.20 considered not very suitable, said average found based on the results of the three dimensions such as: analysis of the environment with an average of 3.28 considered unsuitable, motivation and satisfaction with an average of 2.93 considered unsuitable, and finally external customer orientation with an average of 3.38, therefore, it is necessary to better manage endomarketing with the company's workers.
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Discipline: Administración
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables
Grade or title: Licenciada en Administración
Juror: Valencia Vila, José Luis; Callañaupa Pumayali, Jacky Nerry; Humpire Castro, Roy Andy
Register date: 10-Jan-2025
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