Citas bibligráficas
Soplopuco, R., (2018). Aplicación del modelo BLENDED LEARNING para mejorar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la asignatura de dinámica de sistemas de la escuela profesional de ingeniería de sistemas e informática de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín-Tarapoto, 2015-II [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Soplopuco, R., Aplicación del modelo BLENDED LEARNING para mejorar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la asignatura de dinámica de sistemas de la escuela profesional de ingeniería de sistemas e informática de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín-Tarapoto, 2015-II [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2018.
title = "Aplicación del modelo BLENDED LEARNING para mejorar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la asignatura de dinámica de sistemas de la escuela profesional de ingeniería de sistemas e informática de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín-Tarapoto, 2015-II",
author = "Soplopuco Torres, Rosa Elena",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2018"
The following thesis entitled as, "Blended Learning model Application, to improve the academic performance of the students of Systems Dynamics subject of the Professional School of Systems and Information Engineering of the National University of San Martín-Tarapoto, 2015-II ", arises as a response to the ignorance of new learning methods, what is evidenced in a low academic performance of the students of the aforementioned subject. Therefore the appearance of distance education allowed covering a need, of those people who have a difficult access to face-to-face training, due to factors of time, distance and economy. Through the time, the development and evolution of ICTs, new learning methods appear, such as e-learning, where learning takes place in a virtual environment, making use of technological resources, such as chat, forums, videoconferencing, virtual platforms, etc. Faced with this problem, the objective is: To improve the students’ academic performance at Systems Dynamics subject of the EPISI of the UNSM-T, 2015-II with the application of the Blended Learning model. The aforementioned makes clear the importance of the application of the proposal through the following hypothesis: If we apply the B-Learning model, then the students’ academic performance at Systems Dynamics subject of the EPISI of the UNSM-T, 2015-II, will be improved, this allowed to diminish the low academic performance through the new teaching model learning where both virtual and face-to-face strategies were applied dividing the students into two groups, both experimental with 15.10 on average and control with 8.00 on average, that is, the experimental group obtained a difference of 47% more than the control group, thanks This is reflected in an increase in communication between teacher and student for a better academic performance in the academic semester 2015-II.
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