Citas bibligráficas
Flores, D., (2023). Estrategia “Dinamus” para mejorar la atención auditiva-selectiva en niños de 3 años de la I.E.I. N° 288 - Rioja [Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Flores, D., Estrategia “Dinamus” para mejorar la atención auditiva-selectiva en niños de 3 años de la I.E.I. N° 288 - Rioja []. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2023.
title = "Estrategia “Dinamus” para mejorar la atención auditiva-selectiva en niños de 3 años de la I.E.I. N° 288 - Rioja",
author = "Flores Maricahua, Devora Abigail",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2023"
Dinamus" strategy to improve auditory-selective attention in 3-year-old children from the I.E.I. No. 288 - Rioja The present research work applies the "Dinamus" Strategy to improve auditory-selective attention in 3-year-old children of the I.E.I. N° 288 - Rioja with the purpose of improving auditory-selective attention in 3-year-old children of the I.E.I. N° 288 of the city of Rioja. The main objective was to improve the auditory-selective attention in 3 year old children of the I.E.I N° 288 of Rioja. A quantitative study of an applied and experimental level was carried out with a sample group of 49 3-year-old children divided into a control group and an experimental group through the application of the pretest and posttest instrument in order to achieve the proposed objective. The main results obtained indicate that the "Dinamus" strategy has achieved an improvement in the auditory-selective attention of three-year-old children regarding: perception, memory, discrimination, attention to the correct stimulus, distinctions of similar stimuli and with two stimuli, at the Educational Institution No. 288 in the city of Rioja. At the same time, the descriptive statistical measures show that the average score of auditory-selective attention is good. The application of the "Dinamus" strategy has produced an improvement in the auditory-selective attention of three-year-old children in the post-test of the experimental group compared to the post-test of the control group, as evidenced by the p-value = 0.000, which is less than 5%. This indicates that at 95% confidence, it is proven that the application of the Dinamus strategy has significantly improved the auditory-selective attention in the three year old children of the Initial Education in the Educational Institution N° 288 of the city of Rioja during the year 2022.
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