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Saboya, R., (2018). Factores de riesgo asociado a morbilidad neonatal, Hospital II – 2 Tarapoto, 2017 [Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Saboya, R., Factores de riesgo asociado a morbilidad neonatal, Hospital II – 2 Tarapoto, 2017 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2018.
title = "Factores de riesgo asociado a morbilidad neonatal, Hospital II – 2 Tarapoto, 2017",
author = "Saboya Pilco, Richard Karol",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2018"
Título: Factores de riesgo asociado a morbilidad neonatal, Hospital II – 2 Tarapoto, 2017
Autor(es): Saboya Pilco, Richard Karol
Asesor(es): Reategui Lozano, Nelly
Palabras clave: Factores de riesgo; Morbilidad; Neonato
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Institución: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial
Resumen: El presente estudio de investigación tuvo como objetivo Determinar los factores de riesgo maternos asociados a Morbilidad Neonatal ocurridas en el Hospital II-2 Tarapoto. 2017, Estudio cuantitativo, explicativo, retrospectivo de corte transversal. Diseño de casos y controles. La muestra estuvo constituida por 58 neonatos que se enfermaron antes de los 28 días (casos) y 58 neonatos que no sufrieron ninguna enfermedad (controles). Se utilizó como instrumento una lista de cotejo. Resultados: La tasa de morbilidad neonatal en el Hospital II-2 Tarapoto, durante el periodo 2017 fue de 2,1 x 1,000 nacidos vivos; el tipo de morbilidad neonatal más frecuente ocurrida fue la Fisura del paladar duro y del paladar blando, unilateral (12,1%), ictericia neonatal, malformación congénita del corazón y otras malformaciones congénitas de los párpados (6,9% respectivamente) y la sepsis del recién nacido debido a otros estreptococos y a los no especificados (5,2%). Los factores de riesgo sociodemográficos de la madre asociados a morbilidad neonatal fueron el grado de instrucción iletrada y al estado civil unión no estable (FR= 4,125 y 2,813 respectivamente). No se reportó factores médicos de la madre es un riesgo para padecer de morbilidad neonatal (p>0,05). Se concluye que entre los principales factores de riesgo maternos asociados a morbilidad neonatal son la atención prenatal < 6 (RR = 25.650), grado de instrucción iletrada (RR4.125), estado civil unión no estable (RR = 2.813), hemorragia vaginal (RR = 2,261) y pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (RR=2.234). (p<0,05).
The objective of this research study was to determine the maternal risk factors associated with Neonatal Morbidity that occurred at Hospital II-2 Tarapoto. 2017, Quantitative, explanatory, retrospective cross-sectional study. Design of cases and controls. The sample consisted of 58 neonates who became ill before 28 days (cases) and 58 neonates who did not suffer from any disease (controls). A checklist was used as an instrument. Results: The neonatal morbidity rate in Hospital II-2 Tarapoto during the 2017 period was 2.1 x 1,000 live births; The most frequent type of neonatal morbidity that occurred was hard cleft palate and soft palate, unilateral (12.1%), neonatal jaundice, congenital malformation of the heart and other congenital malformations of the eyelids (6.9% respectively) and sepsis of the newborn due to other streptococci and those not specified (5.2%). The mother's sociodemographic risk factors associated with neonatal morbidity were the illiterate degree of education and the unstable union status (FR = 4.125 and 2.813 respectively). No medical factors were reported for the mother is a risk to suffer from neonatal morbidity (p> 0.05). It is concluded that among the main maternal risk factors associated with neonatal morbidity are prenatal care <6 (RR = 25,650), illiterate degree of instruction (RR4.125), marital status unstable union (RR = 2.813), vaginal bleeding (RR = 2,261) and pre-eclampsia / eclampsia (RR = 2.234). (p <0.05).
The objective of this research study was to determine the maternal risk factors associated with Neonatal Morbidity that occurred at Hospital II-2 Tarapoto. 2017, Quantitative, explanatory, retrospective cross-sectional study. Design of cases and controls. The sample consisted of 58 neonates who became ill before 28 days (cases) and 58 neonates who did not suffer from any disease (controls). A checklist was used as an instrument. Results: The neonatal morbidity rate in Hospital II-2 Tarapoto during the 2017 period was 2.1 x 1,000 live births; The most frequent type of neonatal morbidity that occurred was hard cleft palate and soft palate, unilateral (12.1%), neonatal jaundice, congenital malformation of the heart and other congenital malformations of the eyelids (6.9% respectively) and sepsis of the newborn due to other streptococci and those not specified (5.2%). The mother's sociodemographic risk factors associated with neonatal morbidity were the illiterate degree of education and the unstable union status (FR = 4.125 and 2.813 respectively). No medical factors were reported for the mother is a risk to suffer from neonatal morbidity (p> 0.05). It is concluded that among the main maternal risk factors associated with neonatal morbidity are prenatal care <6 (RR = 25,650), illiterate degree of instruction (RR4.125), marital status unstable union (RR = 2.813), vaginal bleeding (RR = 2,261) and pre-eclampsia / eclampsia (RR = 2.234). (p <0.05).
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Obstetricia
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Grado o título: Obstetra
Jurado: Palomino Alvarado, Gabriela del Pilar; Delgado Rios, Angel; Valera Vega, Orfelina
Fecha de registro: 22-feb-2021
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