Citas bibligráficas
Ruiz, J., (2019). Estudio de las características dendrológicas - anatómicas y propiedades físicas de dos especies forestales Bolaina negra (Guazuma ulmifolia Lam) y Auca atadijo (Croton matourensis Aubl) en la Región San Martín [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Ruiz, J., Estudio de las características dendrológicas - anatómicas y propiedades físicas de dos especies forestales Bolaina negra (Guazuma ulmifolia Lam) y Auca atadijo (Croton matourensis Aubl) en la Región San Martín [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2019.
title = "Estudio de las características dendrológicas - anatómicas y propiedades físicas de dos especies forestales Bolaina negra (Guazuma ulmifolia Lam) y Auca atadijo (Croton matourensis Aubl) en la Región San Martín",
author = "Ruiz Sepulveda, Jorge",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2019"
The following research based on scientific information identified dendrologically and taxonomically classified black Bolaina (Guazuma ulmifolia Lam) family Sterculiaceae and Auca atadijo (Croton matourensis Aubl) family Euphorbiaceae. Black Bolaina wood is light brown, without smell or taste, gloss and medium texture, straight grain, veined overlapping arches. Macroscopically it has 4 rings per linear centimeter, sapwood and differentiated heartwood, eccentric marrow, round pores, diffuse, grouped, vasicentric, cells surrounded by 2 rows of pores. rays stratified with inclusions. Microscopically presents paratracheal parenchyma vasicentric, 2 rows of cells surrounding circular and oval pores, distributed radially, diffuse, short 2, 3, 4 or more. Wide rays, influenced by stratified, heterogeneous, multiple fibers 5 to 13 and multisereados 4 scarce, inclusions with crystals in radial cells 1 per procumbent cell, absent cystolites. Wood of Auca atadijo is cream color, without smell or flavor, brightness and average texture, straight grain, veined overlapping arches. Macroscopically presents 3 rings per linear centimeter, sapwood and undifferentiated heartwood, eccentric marrow, pores distributed radially oval, diffuse between 2 and 7 multiple and simple groupings in smaller proportion, apotracheal parenchyma in thin irregular bands, non-stratified rays, radial inclusions. Microscopically it presents apotracheal parenchyma in irregular thin bands, complete defined growth rings, differentiated early and late wood. Diffuse porosity, oval, radially distributed between 2 and 10 radial multiple pores, sparse cluster, multiple stratified heterogeneous rays 2 and 3 unisere, sparse, inclusions with 2 and 3 crystals by longitudinal parenchyma cells and vascular tylosis. The physical properties studied classify black Bolaina and Auca atadijo as medium density, semi-hard, medium-heavy and stable woods. They can be used potentially in the forestry industry in structures, carpentry, turning, toys, formwork, light drawer, interior, machimbrados, veneers, among others.
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