Citas bibligráficas
Hoyos, L., (2017). Incremento del flujo de clientes aplicando tecnología de posicionamiento en la página web del Hotel Royal Kerkus - Tarapoto [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Hoyos, L., Incremento del flujo de clientes aplicando tecnología de posicionamiento en la página web del Hotel Royal Kerkus - Tarapoto [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2017.
title = "Incremento del flujo de clientes aplicando tecnología de posicionamiento en la página web del Hotel Royal Kerkus - Tarapoto",
author = "Hoyos Bustamante, Luis Marino",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2017"
This thesis entitled, "INCREASING THE FLOW OF CLIENTS APPLYING POSITIONING TECHNOLOGY ON THE WEB PAGE OF HOTEL ROYAL KERKUS - TARAPOTO", has as its general objective, to improve the increase of flow of clients captured by the website of the Hotel Royal Kerkus - Tarapoto ; In order to fulfill this objective, it was proposed to design a website accompanied by SEO technology and its respective content management system; make the diagnosis of the functionalities of the website of the Hotel Royal Kerkus - Tarapoto; measure the flow of customers captured by the web with the application of SEO technology on your website. For the implementation of the web page with SEO technology, the website that was implemented was taken as a basis, a benchmarking of different hotel web pages was made and a review of different techniques and methodologies for the design of web pages was made. To gather information, interviews were used, excel spreadsheets; In the design of the website we used html5, css3 language and in addition to adding the SEO web positioning technology, and for the analysis and design of its page administration system, we used the UML methodology, which is a language of visual modeling and the RUP methodology (unified rational process) was used for the development of the administration system of the page in the web part the PHP programming language was used. As a result of the implementation of the web page with SEO technology: the booking revenue for the web and clients to the hotel was improved with an increase of 1.58% to 7.17%, with which we can conclude that the website with SEO technology contributes to improve the increase of clients and reservations at the Hotel Royal Kerkus.
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