Bibliographic citations
Bances, J., Burga, J. (2018). Diseño y simulación hidráulica del sistema de abastecimiento de agua potable de las localidades de Puerto Bagazán, Nueva Esperanza y la Victoria, Distrito de Elías Soplín Vargas, Rioja - 2017 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Bances, J., Burga, J. Diseño y simulación hidráulica del sistema de abastecimiento de agua potable de las localidades de Puerto Bagazán, Nueva Esperanza y la Victoria, Distrito de Elías Soplín Vargas, Rioja - 2017 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2018.
title = "Diseño y simulación hidráulica del sistema de abastecimiento de agua potable de las localidades de Puerto Bagazán, Nueva Esperanza y la Victoria, Distrito de Elías Soplín Vargas, Rioja - 2017",
author = "Burga Vasquez, Javier Ivan",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2018"
The purpose of this research work is to contribute technically, proposing criteria of design of the system of potable water supply in rural areas of our regional area, taking into account the national norms and the experience of the design, construction, evaluation of approved projects. For the hydraulic design of the potable water supply system, hydraulic calculations were carried out, complementing with the knowledge of fluid mechanics, establishing as a fixed parameter the number of inhabitants to whom the service will be lent. , determining the approximate flow required by localities, and thus be able to satisfy the domestic needs of these populations. And finally, simulate the system with the program WaterCAD to be able to verify the operation of the same and obtain a more satisfactory results. The hydraulic design of the potable water system was developed proposing the following components for the water supply: catchment, conduction line, reservoir, adduction Line, distribution networks, domiciliary connections, in this way I contribute to the economic and social development of the towns of Puerto Bagazán, Nueva Esperanza and La Victoria, increasing the standard of living of the population of these localities, as well as getting the knowledge to be put into practice and develop the Professional sense of the sanitary engineering career. At the end of the work it could be concluded that by executing the aforementioned proposal will guarantee the sustainability of the potable water service of the inhabitants of the localities in mention as they will be supplied with potable water with a coverage of 100 %.
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