Citas bibligráficas
Neira, J., (2018). Aislamiento y evaluación de la eficiencia simbiótica de rizobios de Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit y Centrosema macrocarpum benth. bajo condiciones de invernadero [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Neira, J., Aislamiento y evaluación de la eficiencia simbiótica de rizobios de Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit y Centrosema macrocarpum benth. bajo condiciones de invernadero [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2018.
title = "Aislamiento y evaluación de la eficiencia simbiótica de rizobios de Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit y Centrosema macrocarpum benth. bajo condiciones de invernadero",
author = "Neira Santa Cruz, Jarol",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2018"
In various ecosystems, legumes, for the most part, form symbiosis with bacteria of various genera, collectively called rhizobia which have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen for this purpose the establishment of efficient legumes in the use of nitrogen (N) is vital importance for the sustainability and stability of agricultural productions over time. The San Martin region has 112 958 hectares of pastures (DRASAM, 2016), which “are mostly with serious erosion problems; In addition, the absence of tree cover, the constant trampling of livestock (over grazing) and water erosion, this directly affects the sustainability of livestock "due to soil degradation (Román et al., 2007). Leucaena species, leucocephala and Centrosema macrocarpum produce significant changes in the physical properties of the soil mainly in apparent density, porosity and resistance to penetration. The following study was carried out in 2016 and aimed at the isolation, characterization and evaluation of the symbiotic efficiency of rhizobia strains of Leucaena leucocephala and Centrosema macrocarpum, from soils with degraded pastures of the Cuñumbuque district. For this, the complete randomized design with three repetitions was used and the treatments were 18 strains inoculated with native rhizobia strains, two control strains Rhizobium leucaenae and Bradyrhizobium viridifuturi, 2 non-inoculated nitrogen controls (100 and 50 mg N2) and one control not inoculated and without nitrogen analyzed with significance level of p <0.05. The results obtained showed the beneficial effect of inoculation with the strains in the 2 species evaluated Leucaena leucocephala and Centrosema macrocarpum, for the plant height of C. macrocarpum obtained 98.93 cm, in root length in L. leucocephala was 100.30 cm, total fresh weight per plant in L. leucocephala 25616.7 mg, dry weight in L. leucocephala 1039.20 mg, fresh root weight with 2289.95 mg in L. leucocephala, number of nodules with 95.75 in L. leucocephala, the amount of total nitrogen per plant is higher in the Leucaena species with an average of 34.83 mg.
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