Bibliographic citations
Cueva, J., (2013). Evaluación de los sistemas agroforestales sucesionales y su importancia económica y ecológica en Barranquita – San Martín y Yurimaguas – Loreto [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Cueva, J., Evaluación de los sistemas agroforestales sucesionales y su importancia económica y ecológica en Barranquita – San Martín y Yurimaguas – Loreto [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2013.
title = "Evaluación de los sistemas agroforestales sucesionales y su importancia económica y ecológica en Barranquita – San Martín y Yurimaguas – Loreto",
author = "Cueva Paredes, Juan Arturo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2013"
This work investigation aimed to evaluate the diversification of species and their potential uses, performance and economic analysis of cropping, characterization, production system management and market dynamics in agroforestry plots that are being promoted in the Yurimaguas and Barranquita districts a through the Vicariate Apostolic of Yurimaguas. The activities took place in four land use systems, three parcels in the town of Barranquita and one in the town of San Luis. The type of investigation was not experimental of sectional type. The systems of land use were differentiated by quantifying plant species: SUT1 System (system using earth with 22 species); SUT2 System (land use with 34 species); SUT (System Using Earth with 09 species) and SUT4 (system using earth with 05 species). EL SUT2 shows greater diversity of species, compared to other plots in the study, also generates more income guarantee, food security and likeness to a natural forest. The economic analysis shows that the SUT2 in the B/C ratio is: S/. 3.18, followed by SUT1 it is: S/. 0.97, SUT4: S/. 0.79 and SUT3: -S/. 0.67, so the SUT1 and SUT2 and are economically viable, for the data, and this because of their greater diversification of the area studied. In the management of production systems, in SUT2 and SUT1 they have similarity in the work performed for crop management without losing the custom of growing native species, as well as their projections to small agricultural enterprises, but in the SUT3 work is more costumbrista, used very often the choba choba or mutual aid and agroforestry comes accompanied with raising pets. The market dynamics shows us the updated tables of the demand for products in the market of Loreto and San Martin that have been increasing; this means that there are opportunities in the local market supply of Yurimaguas and Tarapoto, ensuring the sustainability of products on the market. Whereas the Economic and Ecological Assessment, also the specific conditions, as soil analysis, climate and especially productivity and species diversification, is propose a technical and scientific alternative aims at promoting and strengthening food security, more income to the family budget and ecological balance
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