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Título: Propuesta de plan maestro del área de conversación municipal Almedra
Campo OCDE: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.07.00
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Institución: Universidad Nacional de San Martin. Fondo Editorial
Resumen: The present thesis, Proposal of Plan Teacher of the Area of Conservation Municipal Almond", this guided to contribute in the planning and rational use of the resources being an administration too!, for the Entity Persuaders of Services of Reparation Moyobamba SRLtda, patron of the project. Entity that gives the water to 40 000 inhabitants ofthe city. This work was carried out with the purpose ofto identify and to describe the socioeconomic processes that determine the systematic changes in the supply ofthe resource hydrological. For the analysis of the reality of the study area he/she was carried out by means of the processes of Determination of the study area, Diffusion of the process, Revision and validation of the existent information, Summary of the information, Baboration of specific studies, Zonificacion of the area, and Elaboration of the Programs and Routines of the area. Having the participation in the shops and the pocess to the residents of the sectors of the Shainas and Mishquiyaquillo, and the Til.lages of The Orange grove and made Alfarillo that it contributed to strengthen the process. The study area, embraces an extension of 1620 hectares a perimeter of 19 781.00 lineal meters. The biggest existent information corresponds to the technical file of sustentation of creation of the area elaborated by the PETT, and basecl on he/she was defined it the realization of studies of Flora where you can specify that the most ñ:nportant species in the structure of the primary forest are: Huacapú, Caraña, Cashamoena, Almond, Huriamba, Ushunquiro, these species represent 60.13% of the sructure ofthe forest, considering trees from the 5 cm. ofDAP, to regarding the Index al Value of Importance, The distribution of the trees in relation to the classes diamétricas is in positive exponential form, interpreted by the presence of a smaller lll:IDlber oftrees of diameters. In the fauna study they were the following species. With regard to amphibians eme has the presence ofthe family Bufonidae with a species 1 Snort margaritiferus. With ~d to reptiles of the sub order Colubridae with the presence of a species Afaninga Chironius fucus}, and three of sub order Viperidae; Parrot Mashes (Bothriopsis atineata), Mattress (Bothropps atrox}, and Shushupe (Lachesis muta). With regard to &irds he has been able to register 19 families; Tinarnidae, Cathartidae, Accipitridae, hkonidae, Ramphastidae, Picidae, Tyrannidae, Troglodytidae, Emberizidae, xvu Thraupidae, Contingidae, Trogonidae, Corvidae. In the study area he/she has registered so much for avistamiento, rakes, sounds and he/she interviews with residents of the area, the existence of 12 families of mammals that you/they correspond to 15 species. Great diversity of butterflies of showy colours has been observed, as the gender: Papilionidae, Pieridae and Nymphalidae with their Sub families; Nymphalinae, Charaxinae, Heliconiinae, Brassolinae, Satyrinae, Morphinae. Of the socioeconomic and environmental Study it is observed, alone 12.9QO/o of the farmers is devoted to the livestock upbringing 1 vaccinate especially for the sector the Shainas and the Village Alfarillo, with a maximum of livestocks of 25 and a minimum of one. The residents are consciences ofthis problem and they manifest their limitations and the threat that it would be with the change of cultivations of coffee for grasses reducing the capacity of retention of the resource hydrological by m~s of the biological mattress. The cultivation of coffee is the biggest agricultura! work that you/they carry out and it is sold in its majority in the companies and middlemen of the city of ~oyobamba, the varieties of coffee that are cultivated are Caturra, Catimor that are cultivations in its 6 year-old recent great extension. One has the national variety that embraces the biggest extension in the area and they exist in you stain them observables in the area they have an antiquity from 15 to 20 years. The production on the average gives 17.56 qq/ha. in parchment. The months of crop they go in the low parts ofMarch to June and the high parts ofMay to September. The number average of sowed hectares of coffee for farrner this in 2.5 there are. Inside the plagues and illnesses of the cultivation of coffee the present affectation is 8.41 % for Arañero (Corticium kileroga), 10.03% Dril! (Hypothenemus hampei), 8.09% Eye of Chicken (Mycena citricolor), 1.94% Roya (Hernileia vastratix), 5.83% for Black Foot (Rossellinianm sp.), and 65. 70% of cultivations that are not relatively affected. The organizations that support and they manifested their commitment in forrning synergies for the rational use of the resources they are: Provincial municipality of Moyobamba, German Technical Cooperation (GTZ-PDRS), 1 Govem Regional of San Martin - 1 Project Special High May (PEAM), 1 Project Andean Basins, Ministry of Agriculture Handling ofNatural Resources ofthe Sierra South (MARENASS), National Institute of Natural Resources (INRENA), Entity Prestadora of Services of Reparation xviii \foyobamba EPS-M. SRLtda, Rural Beats, Committee of Administration of Areas of ~fonicipal Conservation, Units ofLocal Administration. The objective of the Plan Teacher is to be a document it guides, for the administration and administration of the Area of Conservation Municipal Almond, on tbe part of the Municipal Government of Moyobamba through the Management of ~iunicipal Services and environment, and the Entity Prestadora of Services of Reparation SRLtda, through the Prograrn of Preservation of the environrnent that is in mrrow coordination with the Units of Local Administration, the Rural Beats and Committees of Autofensa and Development. It will be an instrument of local administration, dynamics with a period of four year-old validity. The priorities identified in the process that you/they are the tree Almond (Pnmus amygdalus), the butterfly Maria Elena (Morpho menealus), the bird Huauto or mount turkey (Aburri aburria) and the Bromélida (Tillandsia mureana). By means of the process you Zonificacion and based on the Article 23º of the law of protected natural areas 26834. lt is contemplated the following areas: Area of Sttict Protection Strict 440.78 has, Area of Tourist and Recreational Use 83.26 has, Area ofspecial Use 23.14 has, Area ofRecovery 130.99 has. It was possible to identify me following programs: lt prograrns ofHandling ofNatural and Cultural Resources, it Programs of Use Public, it Programs from Support to the Administration, Prograrn of ~.lonitored and Evaluation. With an 1 mount for four years of 135 050.000 New Suns. The present thesis, Proposal of Plan Teacher of the Area of Conservation Municipal Almond", this guided to contribute in the planning and rational use of the resources being an administration too!, for the Entity Persuaders of Services of Reparation Moyobamba SRLtda, patron of the project. Entity that gives the water to 40 000 inhabitants ofthe city. This work was carried out with the purpose ofto identify and to describe the socioeconomic processes that determine the systematic changes in the supply ofthe resource hydrological. For the analysis of the reality of the study area he/she was carried out by means of the processes of Determination of the study area, Diffusion of the process, Revision and validation of the existent information, Summary of the information, Baboration of specific studies, Zonificacion of the area, and Elaboration of the Programs and Routines of the area. Having the participation in the shops and the pocess to the residents of the sectors of the Shainas and Mishquiyaquillo, and the Til.lages of The Orange grove and made Alfarillo that it contributed to strengthen the process. The study area, embraces an extension of 1620 hectares a perimeter of 19 781.00 lineal meters. The biggest existent information corresponds to the technical file of sustentation of creation of the area elaborated by the PETT, and basecl on he/she was defined it the realization of studies of Flora where you can specify that the most ñ:nportant species in the structure of the primary forest are: Huacapú, Caraña, Cashamoena, Almond, Huriamba, Ushunquiro, these species represent 60.13% of the sructure ofthe forest, considering trees from the 5 cm. ofDAP, to regarding the Index al Value of Importance, The distribution of the trees in relation to the classes diamétricas is in positive exponential form, interpreted by the presence of a smaller lll:IDlber oftrees of diameters. In the fauna study they were the following species. With regard to amphibians eme has the presence ofthe family Bufonidae with a species 1 Snort margaritiferus. With ~d to reptiles of the sub order Colubridae with the presence of a species Afaninga Chironius fucus}, and three of sub order Viperidae; Parrot Mashes (Bothriopsis atineata), Mattress (Bothropps atrox}, and Shushupe (Lachesis muta). With regard to &irds he has been able to register 19 families; Tinarnidae, Cathartidae, Accipitridae, hkonidae, Ramphastidae, Picidae, Tyrannidae, Troglodytidae, Emberizidae, xvu Thraupidae, Contingidae, Trogonidae, Corvidae. In the study area he/she has registered so much for avistamiento, rakes, sounds and he/she interviews with residents of the area, the existence of 12 families of mammals that you/they correspond to 15 species. Great diversity of butterflies of showy colours has been observed, as the gender: Papilionidae, Pieridae and Nymphalidae with their Sub families; Nymphalinae, Charaxinae, Heliconiinae, Brassolinae, Satyrinae, Morphinae. Of the socioeconomic and environmental Study it is observed, alone 12.9QO/o of the farmers is devoted to the livestock upbringing 1 vaccinate especially for the sector the Shainas and the Village Alfarillo, with a maximum of livestocks of 25 and a minimum of one. The residents are consciences ofthis problem and they manifest their limitations and the threat that it would be with the change of cultivations of coffee for grasses reducing the capacity of retention of the resource hydrological by m~s of the biological mattress. The cultivation of coffee is the biggest agricultura! work that you/they carry out and it is sold in its majority in the companies and middlemen of the city of ~oyobamba, the varieties of coffee that are cultivated are Caturra, Catimor that are cultivations in its 6 year-old recent great extension. One has the national variety that embraces the biggest extension in the area and they exist in you stain them observables in the area they have an antiquity from 15 to 20 years. The production on the average gives 17.56 qq/ha. in parchment. The months of crop they go in the low parts ofMarch to June and the high parts ofMay to September. The number average of sowed hectares of coffee for farrner this in 2.5 there are. Inside the plagues and illnesses of the cultivation of coffee the present affectation is 8.41 % for Arañero (Corticium kileroga), 10.03% Dril! (Hypothenemus hampei), 8.09% Eye of Chicken (Mycena citricolor), 1.94% Roya (Hernileia vastratix), 5.83% for Black Foot (Rossellinianm sp.), and 65. 70% of cultivations that are not relatively affected. The organizations that support and they manifested their commitment in forrning synergies for the rational use of the resources they are: Provincial municipality of Moyobamba, German Technical Cooperation (GTZ-PDRS), 1 Govem Regional of San Martin - 1 Project Special High May (PEAM), 1 Project Andean Basins, Ministry of Agriculture Handling ofNatural Resources ofthe Sierra South (MARENASS), National Institute of Natural Resources (INRENA), Entity Prestadora of Services of Reparation xviii \foyobamba EPS-M. SRLtda, Rural Beats, Committee of Administration of Areas of ~fonicipal Conservation, Units ofLocal Administration. The objective of the Plan Teacher is to be a document it guides, for the administration and administration of the Area of Conservation Municipal Almond, on tbe part of the Municipal Government of Moyobamba through the Management of ~iunicipal Services and environment, and the Entity Prestadora of Services of Reparation SRLtda, through the Prograrn of Preservation of the environrnent that is in mrrow coordination with the Units of Local Administration, the Rural Beats and Committees of Autofensa and Development. It will be an instrument of local administration, dynamics with a period of four year-old validity. The priorities identified in the process that you/they are the tree Almond (Pnmus amygdalus), the butterfly Maria Elena (Morpho menealus), the bird Huauto or mount turkey (Aburri aburria) and the Bromélida (Tillandsia mureana). By means of the process you Zonificacion and based on the Article 23º of the law of protected natural areas 26834. lt is contemplated the following areas: Area of Sttict Protection Strict 440.78 has, Area of Tourist and Recreational Use 83.26 has, Area ofspecial Use 23.14 has, Area ofRecovery 130.99 has. It was possible to identify me following programs: lt prograrns ofHandling ofNatural and Cultural Resources, it Programs of Use Public, it Programs from Support to the Administration, Prograrn of ~.lonitored and Evaluation. With an 1 mount for four years of 135 050.000 New Suns.

La presente tesis, "Propuesta de Plan Maestro del Área de Conservación Municipal Almendra", esta orientado a contribuir en la planificación y uso racional de los recursos naturales siendo una herramienta de gestión, para la Entidad Prestadora de Servicios de Saneamiento Moyobamba SRLtda, patrocinador del proyecto. Entidad que suministra el agua a 40 000 habitantes de Ja ciudad. Este trabajo se realizó con el propósito de identificar y describir los procesos socioeconómicos que determinan Jos cambios sistemáticos en el abastecimiento del recurso hídrico en la ciudad de :Moyobamba. Para el análisis de la realidad del área de estudio se realizó mediante los procesos de Detenninación del área de estudio, Difusión del proceso, Revisión y \-alidación de la información existente, Recopilación de la infonnación, Elaboración de estudios específicos, Zonificación del área, y Elaboración de los Programas y Subprogramas del área. Contando con la participación en los talleres y el proceso a los pobladores de los sectores de Las Shainas y Mishquiyaquillo, y los caseríos de El ~aranjal y Alfarillo; hecho que contribuyó a fortalecer el proceso. El área de estudio, abarca una extensión de 1620.00 hectáreas con un perimetro de 19 781.00 metros lineales. De acuerdo a la delimitación del Programa de Tnulación de Tierras (PETT), y con criterio de cuenca el área presenta 677.75 has y un perímetro de 12 398.00 m. La mayor información existente corresponde al expediente técnico de sustentación de creación del área elaborado por el Programa de Titulación de Tierras (PETT), y en base a ello se definió la realización de estudios de Flora donde se puede especificar que las especies más importantes en la estructura del bosque primario son: Huacapú, caraña, Cashamoena, Almendra, Huriamba, Ushunquiro, estas especies representan el 60.13% de la estructura del bosque, considerando árboles desde los 5 cm. de diámetro a la altura del pecho, respecto del Índice de Valor de Importancia, La distribución de los árboles en relación a las clases diamétricas es en forma exponencial positiva, interpretado por la presencia de un menor número de árboles de diámetros menores. XIV En el estudio de fauna se encontraron las siguientes especies. Con respecto a anfibios se tiene Ja presencia de la familia Bufonidae con una especie Bufo 111aTgaritiferus. Con respecto a reptiles del suborden Colubridae con la presencia de una especie Afaninga (Chironius jucus), y tres suborden Viperidae; Loro Machaco (Bothriopsis bilineata), Jergón (Bothropps atrox), y Shushupe (Lachesis muta). Con respecto a aves se ha podido registrar 19 familias; Tinamidae, Cathartidae, Accipitridae, Falconidae, Ramphastidae, Picidae, Tyrannidae, Troglodytidae, Emberizidae, Thraupidae, Contingidae, Trogonidae y Corvidae. En el área de estudio se ha registrado WJ.to por avistamiento, rastros, sonidos y entrevista con pobladores del área, Ja ecistencia de 12 familias de mamíferos que corresponden a 15 especies. Se ha observado gran diversidad de mariposas de vistosos colores, como el género: Papilionidae, Pieridae y Nymphalidae con sus Subfamilias; Nyrnphalinae, Charaxinae, Heliconiinae, Brassolinae, Satyrinae, Morphinae. Del Estudio socioeconómico y ambiental se observa, solo un 12.90 % de los agricultores se dedican a la crianza ganado vacunos en especial por el sector las Sbainas y el Caserío Alfarillo, con un máximo en ganados de 25 y un mínimo de uno. Los pobladores se encuentran conscientes de este problema y manifiestan sus limitaciones y la amenaza que sería con el cambio de cultivos de café por pastos; n:duciendo la capacidad de retención del recurso hídrico mediante el colchón biológico. El cultivo de café es la mayor actividad agrícola que realizan, y se vende en su mayoría en las empresas e intermediarios de la ciudad de Moyobamba, las variedades de café que se cultivan son caturra, catimor, que son cultivos en su gran extensión m:.ientes de no más de 6 años. Se tiene Ja variedad nacional que abarca la mayor cttensión del área y existen en manchales observables en el área tienen una antigüedad de 15 a 20 años. La producción en promedio es de 17.56 qq/ha. En pergamino. Los meses de cosecha van en las partes bajas (890 a 900 msnm.) de Marzo a Junio y las partes altas de Mayo a Setiembre. El número promedio de hectáreas sembradas de café por agricultor esta en 2.5 has. Dentro de las plagas y enfermedades del cultivo de café Ja afectación presente es un 8.41% por Arañero (Corticium ki/eroga), 10.03 % Broca (Ilypothenemus hampei), 8.0g<l/o Ojo de Pollo (Mycena citricolor), 1.94% Roya (llemileia vastratix), 5.83% por Pie Negro (Rossellinianm sp.), y un 65.70 % de cultivos que no están relativamente afectados. XV Las organizaciones que apoyan y manifestaron sus compromiso en formar sinergias para el uso racional de los recursos son: Municipio Provincial de Moyobamba, Cooperación Técnica Alemana (GTZ-PDRS), Gobierno Regional de San Martín Proyecto Especial Alto Mayo (PEAM), Proyecto Cuencas Andinas, Ministerio de Agricultura Manejo de Recursos Naturales de la Sierra Sur (MARENASS), Instituto ~acional de Recursos Naturales (INRENA), Entidad Prestadora de Servicios de Saneamiento Moyobamba EPS-M. SRLtda, Rondas Campesinas, Comité de Gestión de Áreas de Conservación Municipal, Unidades de Gestión Local. El objetivo del Plan Maestro es ser un documento guía, para la administración y gestión del Área de Conservación Municipal Almendra, por parte del Gobierno Municipal de Moyobamba a través del Gerencia de Servicios Municipales y Medio Ambiente, y la Entidad Prestadora de Servicios de Saneamiento SRLtda, a través del Programa de Preservación del Medio Ambiente, que se encuentra en estrecha coordinación con la Unidades de Gestión Local, las Rondas Campesinas y Comités de Autofensa y Desarrollo. Será un instrumento de gestión local, dinámica con un periodo de vigencia de cuatro años. Las prioridades identificadas en el proceso son; el árbol Almendra (Prunus alr)'gdalus), Ja mariposa Maria Elena (Morpho menealus), el ave Huauto o pavo de monte (Abu"i abu"ia) y Ja Bromélida (Tillandsia mureana). Mediante el proceso de zonificación y en base al Artículo 23° de la ley de áreas naturales protegidas 26834. Se contempla las siguientes zonas: Zona de Protección Estricta con 440.73 has, Zona de Uso Turístico y Recreativo 83.26 has, Zona de Uso especial 23.14 has, Zona de Recuperación 130.99 has. Se logró identificar los siguientes programas: Programa de Manejo de Recursos Naturales y Culturales, Programa de Uso Público, Programa de Apoyo a la Gestión, Programa de Monitoreo y fa-aluación. Con un monto por cuatro años de 135 050.000 Nuevos Soles.
Enlace al repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11458/2369
Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeneria Ambiental
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional de San Martin. Facultad de Ecología
Grado o título: Ingeniero ambiental
Jurado: Sanchez Rios, Jorge; Ruiz Valles, Ruben; Ramirez Navarro, William
Fecha de registro: 19-jul-2017

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