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Cruz, R., (2019). Diagnóstico del virus de lengua azul en ovinos tropicales en la región San Martín [Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Cruz, R., Diagnóstico del virus de lengua azul en ovinos tropicales en la región San Martín []. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2019.
title = "Diagnóstico del virus de lengua azul en ovinos tropicales en la región San Martín",
author = "Cruz Vasquez, Roni David",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2019"
Title: Diagnóstico del virus de lengua azul en ovinos tropicales en la región San Martín
Authors(s): Cruz Vasquez, Roni David
Advisor(s): Rios Ramirez, Orlando
Keywords: Virus de la lengua azul; Ovinos; Prevalencia
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2019
Institution: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial
Abstract: El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo general determinar la prevalencia del virus de la lengua azul en la región San Martín, para lo cual se tomaron muestras de sangre de 368 ovinos de 42 granjas localizadas en las diez provincias de la región. Estas muestras de sangre fueron evaluadas mediante la técnica de laboratorio Reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con transcripción inversa en tiempo real TR-PCR según el Manual Terrestre de la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE) 2014, detectándose una prevalencia de 0.5435 % en la región San Martin, estos animales positivos fueron localizados en el distrito de San Pablo, provincia de Bellavista. También se pudo evaluar que la mayoría de las explotaciones en ovinos son extensivos, de igual manera los ambientes que bordean las instalaciones de las granjas presentan las condiciones idóneas para el desarrollo del vector.
The following research had as a general objective to determine the prevalence of the bluetongue virus in the San Martin region, for which we took blood samples from 368 sheep from 42 farms located in the ten provinces of the region. These blood samples were evaluated through the laboratory technique polymerase chain reaction with reverse transcription in real time TR-PCR according to the Terrestrial Manual of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) 2014, detecting a prevalence of 0.5435% in the San Martin region, these positive animals were located in the district of San Pablo, province of Bellavista. It was also possible to evaluate that the majority of sheep farms are extensive, in the same way the environments bordering the farm facilities have the basic conditions for vector development.
The following research had as a general objective to determine the prevalence of the bluetongue virus in the San Martin region, for which we took blood samples from 368 sheep from 42 farms located in the ten provinces of the region. These blood samples were evaluated through the laboratory technique polymerase chain reaction with reverse transcription in real time TR-PCR according to the Terrestrial Manual of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) 2014, detecting a prevalence of 0.5435% in the San Martin region, these positive animals were located in the district of San Pablo, province of Bellavista. It was also possible to evaluate that the majority of sheep farms are extensive, in the same way the environments bordering the farm facilities have the basic conditions for vector development.
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Discipline: Medicina Veterinaria
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias
Grade or title: Médico Veterinario
Juror: Rojas Sanchez, Abertano Walter; Rios Panaijo, Enrique; Paredes Sanchez, Christopher Ivan
Register date: 29-Dec-2021
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