Citas bibligráficas
Torres, W., (2020). Calidad del agua, en la parte media de la quebrada Misquiyaquillo, mediante uso de Modelación del Oxígeno Disuelto y DBO5 en constantes cinéticas de autodepuración Moyobamba, 2019 [Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Torres, W., Calidad del agua, en la parte media de la quebrada Misquiyaquillo, mediante uso de Modelación del Oxígeno Disuelto y DBO5 en constantes cinéticas de autodepuración Moyobamba, 2019 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2020.
title = "Calidad del agua, en la parte media de la quebrada Misquiyaquillo, mediante uso de Modelación del Oxígeno Disuelto y DBO5 en constantes cinéticas de autodepuración Moyobamba, 2019",
author = "Torres Mori, Willy",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2020"
In certain situations, the water of the creeks and springs decreases its purifying effect, generating eutrophication, being a direct effect of the absence of oxygen. The research aims to determine the quality of water in the middle part of Misquiyaquillo Creek, through the use of Dissolved Oxygen Modeling and BOD5-20, in constant self-purification kinetics; which implied evaluating the impact of discharges from the potabilization process and the anthropic activity on water quality. As a methodology, the principles of engineering were applied, in mathematical models to quantitatively calculate the evolution of dissolved oxygen and oxygen-demanding substances in a river, downstream of a discharge point. the chemical parameters of the stream. The chemical parameters of the stream were determined, being on average 6 mg/L of dissolved oxygen OD, 9 mg/L of biochemical oxygen demand BOD5-20, besides having 21 °C of temperature in the creek; so it is concluded that the water quality according to mathematical indicators is hypoxic, indicating lack of oxygen in times of low water in the two sections of the middle part of the creek, but with oxygenated conditions during rainy seasons.
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