Citas bibligráficas
Gonzales, M., (2021). Implementación de la Revisión Periódica del Producto en un laboratorio farmacéutico nacional, año 2020 [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Gonzales, M., Implementación de la Revisión Periódica del Producto en un laboratorio farmacéutico nacional, año 2020 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2021.
title = "Implementación de la Revisión Periódica del Producto en un laboratorio farmacéutico nacional, año 2020",
author = "Gonzales la Cunza, María Carolina",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2021"
ABSTRACT In the present work of pre-professional practices, the objective was to implement the Periodic Review of the Product in a national pharmaceutical laboratory, which serves as an essential element of a robust quality system and that is a requirement of the current current GMP regulations. This system allows verifying the consistency of existing manufacturing processes, as well as whether the specifications in use are adequate, both for the product in the manufacturing process and for the finished product, showing trends that require adjustments and identifying improvements. in them. In the national pharmaceutical laboratory, procedures and instructions were designed and applied which were useful for carrying out the various Periodic Reviews of Non-sterile and Sterile Products (RPP) manufactured in the laboratory. Taking into account the various critical parameters and attributes of each process, complying with the recommended specifications in order to optimize and create process improvements.
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