Bibliographic citations
Bravo, A., (2023). Correlación entre biomarcadores hematológicos y proteína c reactiva en pacientes sospechosos COVID-19 atendidos en un policlínico de Lima metropolitana. 2020-2021 [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Bravo, A., Correlación entre biomarcadores hematológicos y proteína c reactiva en pacientes sospechosos COVID-19 atendidos en un policlínico de Lima metropolitana. 2020-2021 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2023.
title = "Correlación entre biomarcadores hematológicos y proteína c reactiva en pacientes sospechosos COVID-19 atendidos en un policlínico de Lima metropolitana. 2020-2021",
author = "Bravo Aliano, Alexis Mijail",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2023"
The present research study sought to determine the correlation between hematological biomarkers and C-reactive protein in suspected COVID-19 patients treated at a polyclinic in Metropolitan Lima, 2020-2021. An observational, retrospective and correlational methodology was used, 130 suspected COVID-19 patients were included, then data was obtained through documentary review and a data collection sheet, structured as general data, hematological biomarkers and protein C. reactive. Likewise, Spearman's Rho statistical correlation test was used. The results showed that the average age of the suspected COVID- 19 patients was 55.36 years, with 55.4% tending to be older than or equal to 55 years, 51.5% were female. In addition, a direct significant correlation was observed between C-reactive protein and basophil (p=0.013, Rho =0.218) and segmented (p=0.006, Rho=0.240) count difference. Instead, it was inversely eosinophils (p=0.001, Rho=-0.281), lymphocytes (p=- 0.401, Rho=0.000). Regarding distribution width, the direct relationship was erythrocyte (p=0.008, Rho=0.232) and the inverse were corpuscular volume (p=0.003, Rho=-0.259) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (p=0.023, Rho=-0.200). . It is concluded that, the higher or lower level of result in hematological biomarkers, the higher or lower the level of C-reactive protein, as well as, the higher the level of result of hematological biomarkers, the lower the level of C-reactive protein and vice versa in suspected COVID patients. -19.
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