Citas bibligráficas
Pajares, C., (2022). La ineficacia de la modificación del artículo 2014 del código civil como solución frente al fraude inmobiliario [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Pajares, C., La ineficacia de la modificación del artículo 2014 del código civil como solución frente al fraude inmobiliario []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2022.
title = "La ineficacia de la modificación del artículo 2014 del código civil como solución frente al fraude inmobiliario",
author = "Pajares León, Carlos Eduardo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2022"
ABSTRACT The present research work is mainly oriented to determine that the modification of the article of the Civil Code made in 2015 through the promulgation of Law No. 30313, which was presented as the solution in the fight against real estate fraud, is not effective. since there are still multiple methods for its realization. Counterfeiting is one of the main ways that still needs to be regulated. Law 30313 incorporated the procedure for opposition and cancellation of registration entries, which forced the article to be modified to provide the bona fide third party with protection in these cases as well. In addition, the verification of filed titles was incorporated, which, in the opinion of a large part of the legal community, is unnecessary and of little benefit. We also analyze the legal security granted to real estate traffic, the tools created for it and the work of the main institutions in the context of real estate fraud. All this added to the eternal debate of the conflict that is generated between the original owner and the third party in good faith. Subject that also treats the present work through the doctrine and jurisprudence.
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