Citas bibligráficas
Salinas, A., (2020). Manejo agronómico de Solanum tuberosum L. var. INIA 325 – Poderosa en el Zaile Santiago de Chuco, La Libertad [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Salinas, A., Manejo agronómico de Solanum tuberosum L. var. INIA 325 – Poderosa en el Zaile Santiago de Chuco, La Libertad []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2020.
title = "Manejo agronómico de Solanum tuberosum L. var. INIA 325 – Poderosa en el Zaile Santiago de Chuco, La Libertad",
author = "Salinas Saavedra, Anderson Jeffer",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2020"
ABSTRACT This research work was carried out in the El Zaile village, province of Santiago de Chuco, La Libertad during the months of May to September 2019, with the objective of determining the agronomic management of Solanum tuberosum L. var. INIA 325 powerful, the results of the survey applied to farmers is that the land preparation is done with yunta (stick plow), use poor quality seed and do not disinfect it, sow manually at a depth of 30 cm; distance between rows of 90 cm and distance between plants of 35 cm with a density of 31746 plants. They fertilize the planting with organic fertilizers (small animals, guinea pig, rabbit and poultry), the first aporque is done at 45 days after sowing with the second fertilization, second aporque at 60 days. Farmers do not carry out phytosanitary controls to control pests or diseases that attack the crop; the yield of this variety is 6.1 t / ha, it is profitable with a profit of S/. 3,029.00 with an investment of S/. 3 531.00 100% of farmers do not register production costos.
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