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Título: Calidad de vida de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 atendidos en un hospital de nivel III de la ciudad de Iquitos 2021
Campo OCDE: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#3.03.03
Fecha de publicación: 23-nov-2021
Institución: Universidad Científica del Perú
Resumen: Introducción: La diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad metabólica degenerativa incurable, que lleva lentamente al deterioro de la calidad de vida a través de la presencia de manifestaciones tardías debido a las alteraciones macro y micro vasculares. Objetivo: Determinar la calidad de vida de pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en un hospital de nivel III de la ciudad de Iquitos entre 2021 Metodología: Tipo de investigación cuantitativo de diseño observacional, transversal, prospectivo, correlacional, entrevistando a 75 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, aplicándole el cuestionario Diabetes 39. Resultados: El 53.3% de los pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 presentan una regular calidad de vida, el 26.7% una mala y el 20.0% buena; una buena percepción de la calidad de vida se asoció significativamente con el sexo femenino (p=0.048), con un tipo de familiar nuclear o monoparental (p=0.002), menor tiempo de enfermedad (p=0.032), con tratamiento con antidiabéticos orales (p=0.025) y ausencia de manifestación tardía (p=0.016). Las dimensiones tuvieron una regular calidad de vida, las más afectadas fueron funcionamiento sexual (34.7%) y control de diabetes (29.3%). El 48.0% presentan una regular severidad de la enfermedad. Conclusión: Los pacientes diabéticos del hospital de nivel III de la ciudad de Iquitos tienen una regular calidad de vida

Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is an incurable degenerative metabolic disease that slowly leads to deterioration of quality of life through the presence of late manifestations due to macro and micro vascular alterations. Objective: To determine the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a level III hospital in the city of Iquitos between 2021 Methodology: Type of quantitative research of observational, cross-sectional, prospective, correlational design, interviewing 75 type 2 diabetic patients, applying the Diabetes 39 questionnaire. Results: 53.3% of type 2 diabetic patients have a fair quality of life, 26.7% a poor one and 20.0% a good one; a good perception of quality of life was significantly associated with being female (p=0.048), with a type of nuclear family or single parent (p=0.002), shorter illness time (p=0.032), with treatment with oral antidiabetics (p=0.025) and absence of late manifestation (p=0.016). The dimensions had a regular quality of life, the most affected were sexual functioning (34.7%) and diabetes control (29.3%). 48.0% present a regular severity of the disease. Conclusion: Diabetic patients at the level III hospital in the city of Iquitos have a regular quality of life. Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is an incurable degenerative metabolic disease that slowly leads to deterioration of quality of life through the presence of late manifestations due to macro and micro vascular alterations. Objective: To determine the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a level III hospital in the city of Iquitos between 2021 Methodology: Type of quantitative research of observational, cross-sectional, prospective, correlational design, interviewing 75 type 2 diabetic patients, applying the Diabetes 39 questionnaire. Results: 53.3% of type 2 diabetic patients have a fair quality of life, 26.7% a poor one and 20.0% a good one; a good perception of quality of life was significantly associated with being female (p=0.048), with a type of nuclear family or single parent (p=0.002), shorter illness time (p=0.032), with treatment with oral antidiabetics (p=0.025) and absence of late manifestation (p=0.016). The dimensions had a regular quality of life, the most affected were sexual functioning (34.7%) and diabetes control (29.3%). 48.0% present a regular severity of the disease. Conclusion: Diabetic patients at the level III hospital in the city of Iquitos have a regular quality of life.
Disciplina académico-profesional: Enfermería
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Científica del Perú. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Grado o título: Licenciada en Enfermería
Jurado: Silva Ramos, Kely; Gayoso Sosa, Gino
Fecha de registro: 12-abr-2022

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