Citas bibligráficas
García, L., Ríos, A. (2023). El flujo vial y el deterioro del pavimento flexible de la Av. Navarro Cauper en Maynas-Loreto 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
García, L., Ríos, A. El flujo vial y el deterioro del pavimento flexible de la Av. Navarro Cauper en Maynas-Loreto 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2023.
title = "El flujo vial y el deterioro del pavimento flexible de la Av. Navarro Cauper en Maynas-Loreto 2022",
author = "Ríos Ramírez, Angello Rodrigo",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2023"
The present study refers to the determination of the road flow and the deterioration of the flexible pavement of Av. Navarro Cauper in Maynas-Loreto, as well as the influence of both variables. Road flow was taken, throwing 770 vehicles per hour in the section from Av. 28 de Julio to Av. Putumayo and 553 vehicles per hour in the section from Av. Putumayo to Av. 28 de Julio The field inspection has been carried out, identifying the damage or deterioration suffered by the pavement, measuring its area and indicating its percentage of incidence in each filming unit. Applying the PCI method, a PCI equivalent to 24 was found, classified as Very bad and for the section from Putumayo to July 28 and obtained a PCI equivalent to 31, classified as Bad, for the section from 29 to Putumayo. When comparing the results, it was possible to observe that where there is more road flow, deterioration increases with deterioration. It has been recommended to resurface the road surface of Navarro Cauper avenue, from Av. Putumayo to Av. 28 de Julio and vice versa. Likewise, it is necessary to improve the traffic signaling in the area, because it is observed that the traffic lights do not work correctly.
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