Bibliographic citations
Macedo, R., Melendrez, O. (2022). Control de la productividad en obras aplicando la filosofía de lean construction, Tarapoto 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Cientìfica del Perù].
Macedo, R., Melendrez, O. Control de la productividad en obras aplicando la filosofía de lean construction, Tarapoto 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Cientìfica del Perù; 2022.
title = "Control de la productividad en obras aplicando la filosofía de lean construction, Tarapoto 2021",
author = "Melendrez Moreto, Olfer Ivan",
publisher = "Universidad Cientìfica del Perù",
year = "2022"
One of the main weaknesses of the construction sector is the non-compliance with deadlines and cost overruns due during the execution of works, generally due to the lack of follow-up, adequate planning of the work and non-application of project management tools based on international standards. Peru is currently in a state of constant development, which is why it is necessary to promote massive investment in infrastructure works with standards of construction companies that work continuously to improve their productivity, optimize the use of resources , generate profits and thus make them engines of economic development. There are currently a series of techniques and tools for planning and control of works that have been evolving and perfecting over time, whose application varies according to the activity for which they are intended. In this context, the "Lean Construction" philosophy brings improvements to the production system, based on the optimization of operating processes and the management of various resources. Consequently, greater efficiency is achieved compared to the conventional method of construction. The purpose of this research work is to present a proposal to improve productivity by controlling the labor resource in the process of executing a building work, improving efficiency rates.
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