Citas bibligráficas
Barboza, W., Reátegui, C. (2022). Centro metropolitano de integración y promoción de la cultura amazónica, Punchana – Loreto 2021 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Barboza, W., Reátegui, C. Centro metropolitano de integración y promoción de la cultura amazónica, Punchana – Loreto 2021 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Centro metropolitano de integración y promoción de la cultura amazónica, Punchana – Loreto 2021",
author = "Reátegui del Aguila, Christian Alexander",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The objective of this Professional Sufficiency project is to design a Metropolitan Center for the Integration and Promotion of Amazonian Culture, for the Dissemination, Revaluation and Cultural Development in the city of Iquitos, Punchana, Loreto 2021. The city of Iquitos has a great potential for cultural diversity by the same local Amazonian-urban and rural population, making the practice of artistic expressions increase and make them more visible in our city. But lack of cultural spaces, it limits the population that is inclined towards cultural diffusion to carry out these demonstrations. In the investigation, the set of Amazonian cultures within the Loreto region was identified. The regulations on Cultural Centers and Didactic Centers were investigated. In addition, the Sociocultural, Territorial, Geographical conditions of the context in which the project is developed were inquired about. Subsequently, the criteria of Cultural Architecture were established. Finally, strategies were proposed, resulting in the proposal. The project is carried out with the intention of valuing and keeping alive the Amazonian Culture in the passing of time, developing the various cultural expressions that exist, enhancing the skills, abilities and talents of citizens, strengthening the cultural identity of our population, contributing to social development. In terms of architecture, a spatial and functional proposal is proposed, taking into account the concepts of neuro-architecture, Amazonian cultures, where a municipal support zone is conceived, with offices and a service area; a socio-cultural zone, such as an auditorium, a library, art gallery, multipurpose rooms, an educational zone, with halls, workshops; a gastronomic area, with recreation areas; places of sale and commercial stands; taking into account the diversity of spaces, such as virtual spaces, permeable and didactic spaces.
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