Citas bibligráficas
Tapullima, M., Valdez, J. (2022). Centro cultural amazónico: puesta en valor y cambio de uso del colegio padre Agustín López Pardo, Requena, Loreto, 2022. [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Tapullima, M., Valdez, J. Centro cultural amazónico: puesta en valor y cambio de uso del colegio padre Agustín López Pardo, Requena, Loreto, 2022. [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Centro cultural amazónico: puesta en valor y cambio de uso del colegio padre Agustín López Pardo, Requena, Loreto, 2022.",
author = "Valdez Manuyama, José Leonardo",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
This thesis project, entitled "Amazonian Cultural Center: enhancement and change of use of the Colegio Padre Agustín López Pardo, Requena, Loreto, 2022", has as its objective the enhancement of the heritage building and the change of use to Centro culture, which will strengthen cultural identity and the promotion of Amazonian culture in Requena with an intercultural approach to meet the needs of the population in social, cultural and economic aspects. The type of research used in the project is descriptive research, because different bibliographies of authors who explain cultural historical facts specifically about the Padre Agustín López Pardo school and the living cultures of Requena have been investigated, as well as other information regarding the valuation and conservation of heritage buildings, making exhaustive analyzes at the local level of material and immaterial cultures supported by national and international information on cultural heritage; using an exact level in the analyzes through direct methods such as surveys and interviews. The main results of the project obtained is that the parameters set forth in the project work have been met, taking into account the different existing material and immaterial cultures of the locality; concluding that they are currently being lost, of which the project intends that the architectural proposal for the enhancement of the Padre Agustín López Pardo School and the change of use to a cultural center strengthen cultural identity and the promotion of Amazonian culture in Requena.
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