Citas bibligráficas
Urcia, H., (2022). Propuesta para mejorar la gestión de la información del portal web de la municipalidad provincial de requena [Trabajo de investigacion, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Urcia, H., Propuesta para mejorar la gestión de la información del portal web de la municipalidad provincial de requena [Trabajo de investigacion]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Propuesta para mejorar la gestión de la información del portal web de la municipalidad provincial de requena",
author = "Urcia Saboya, Hans Joseph",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The entities of the Peruvian state, according to the information transparency law, are obliged to have a web portal where the documentation and services provided to citizens are published, although it is true that the state through the office national e-government implemented a web page model of the uniform transparency module for all entities, it is also very useful for the citizen that the institution itself reports on its activities, services and documentation in a simpler and more common way, that is why that there is a need to generate a proposal specifying the alternative and the way in which the information transparency process should be carried out. For this reason, in the present research work it is focused on: Presenting the necessary guidelines for an adequate management of the information in the web portal of the Provincial Municipality of Requena, theoretically, bibliographical research was developed on the conceptual terms on the web portals and its structure. In the methodological aspect, the descriptive methodology was applied, which allowed the elaboration of a data collection instrument and the process of approaching the proposal. In practice, this research work allowed the elaboration of a proposal that will allow to be the guide so that the users of the municipality can have access in a simple way to the information and documentation of the services that they provide to the citizens of this part of the Loreto region.
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