Citas bibligráficas
Mendez, M., Gonzales, C. (2023). Características en estado fresco del concreto cemento – arena elaborado con 5 marcas de cemento portland tipo I, Iquitos-2023 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Mendez, M., Gonzales, C. Características en estado fresco del concreto cemento – arena elaborado con 5 marcas de cemento portland tipo I, Iquitos-2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Características en estado fresco del concreto cemento – arena elaborado con 5 marcas de cemento portland tipo I, Iquitos-2023",
author = "Gonzales Paredes, Christian",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2023"
This descriptive correlational research and non-experimental design, aimed to determine the "Fresh characteristics of cement-sand concrete made with 5 brands of Portland type I cement and its relationship with the compressive strength evaluated at 7 days." curing”; for which purpose sand with a fineness modulus of 1.46 was used; a single ratio w/c = 0.60 and a mixture for f'c= 210kg/cm2. The results of the settlement tests were 5 ½”, 5”, 5 ¼”, 6” and 5 ½”; temperature of 31.80°C, 33.40°C, 32.00°C, 31.50°C and 30.60°C; air content of 9.80%, 8.80%, 9.60%, 9.50% and 7.20%; and exudation were 3.115%, 2.517%, 2.575%, 3.094% and 3.012%; reaching average resistances of 211kg/cm2, 215kg/cm2, 249 kg/cm2, 213 kg/cm2 and 284kg/cm2 for the mixtures prepared with cement Inka type Ico, Amazonian type GU, APU Type GU, Andino Forte type MH/R and Andean Premium Type I, respectively. The sample consisted of 40 test tubes, the normality of the data was evaluated and the Pearson Correlation statistical test was applied, with a confidence level of 95%, confirming that the properties in the fresh state of the concrete differ for the different Portland cement brands; and, likewise, they influence the resistance to compression; confirming the hypothesis in the sense of the existence of variation in these properties according to cement brands, corresponding to Andino Premium Type I, the best resistance at 7 days of curing.
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