Citas bibligráficas
Soto, K., (2024). Habilidades cognitivas y pensamiento crítico en estudiantes del cuarto grado de secundaria institucion educativa “Juan Pablo II” Iquitos - 2023 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Soto, K., Habilidades cognitivas y pensamiento crítico en estudiantes del cuarto grado de secundaria institucion educativa “Juan Pablo II” Iquitos - 2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Habilidades cognitivas y pensamiento crítico en estudiantes del cuarto grado de secundaria institucion educativa “Juan Pablo II” Iquitos - 2023",
author = "Soto Ramírez, Katherine Iveth",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2024"
The inquiry focused on the correlation between cognitive skills and critical thinking in students in the 4th grade of secondary education at the "Juan Pablo II" 2023 educational center. The purpose: To determine the extent to which Cognitive Skills are related to Critical Thinking in students in the 4th grade of secondary education at the "JUAN PABLO II" 2023 educational center. The analysis was confirmatory and belongs to the quantitative, descriptive-correlational research. The population was 152, with a sample of 48 subjects, and a survey and SPSS were used to examine the variables of interest of the research. The findings on cognitive skills revealed that 1 (2.1%) respondent answered poorly; 16 (33.3%) answered fair; 31 (64.6%) good. Regarding critical thinking, it was established that 5 (10.4%) respondents answered poor; out of 30 (62.5%) answered fair; and 13 (27.1%) good. The inferential analysis revealed a significant correlation between the respective dimensions. It was determined that cognitive skills are significantly correlated with critical thinking in the sample studied, and it is suggested that educators continue to strengthen these skills among their students to promote curiosity and knowledge, encouraging them to explore new ideas and learning in their environment.
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