Citas bibligráficas
Flores, S., Vela, N. (2021). Índice de la calidad ambiental de los recursos hídricos superficiales (ICARHS) de la unidad hidrográfica bajo Marañón, período 2014-2020 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Flores, S., Vela, N. Índice de la calidad ambiental de los recursos hídricos superficiales (ICARHS) de la unidad hidrográfica bajo Marañón, período 2014-2020 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Índice de la calidad ambiental de los recursos hídricos superficiales (ICARHS) de la unidad hidrográfica bajo Marañón, período 2014-2020",
author = "Vela Panduro, Noluz Clarita",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The study area of this research was in the Bajo Marañón Hydrographic Unit based on the monitoring results of the surface water quality carried out in the 2014-2020 period by the National Water Authority; where the objectives were to calculate Sub-index 1 and Sub-index 2 to determine the Environmental Quality Index of Surface Water Resources (ICARHS), its percentage variation in the HU. and its graphical representation on a map. The methodology applied was the Calculation of the Environmental Quality Indices of Surface Water Resources approved by Chief Resolution No. 084-2020-ANA, through which seven (07) points were determined that met the necessary conditions. The results obtained from the subscript 1 for the points QCSpt1, QZara1 and RMara23 were of water quality as "bad"; of RMara20, RMara22 and RMara24 it was "fair"; and from RMara21 it was "good"; Subscript 2 results for points QCSpt1, RMara20, RMara21, RMara22, RMara23 and RMara24 were "good"; and from QZara1 it was "excellent"; therefore, the ICARHS of the U.H. Under Marañón, the values obtained in Subscript 1 were the data with the lowest value; where the qualification of the quality of water "regular" and "good" have equal values of 42.86%; and that of "good", has a value of 14.29%, due to the influence of the parameters: Dissolved oxygen, Thermotolerant coliforms, Total phosphorus and Total suspended solids; that exceed the ECA Water in the results of the Water Quality Monitoring of the U.H. Lower Marañón.
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