Citas bibligráficas
Vizalote, J., (2024). Factores asociados con el rechazo al papanicolaou, en mujeres atendidas en el Cap II San Juan Bautista- Iquitos junio- julio 2023 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Vizalote, J., Factores asociados con el rechazo al papanicolaou, en mujeres atendidas en el Cap II San Juan Bautista- Iquitos junio- julio 2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Factores asociados con el rechazo al papanicolaou, en mujeres atendidas en el Cap II San Juan Bautista- Iquitos junio- julio 2023",
author = "Vizalote Rodriguez, Joyce Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2024"
Objective: To determine which are the factors associated with the rejection of Papanicolaou in women attended at CAP San Juan Bautista. Iquitos - June - July 2023 Methodology: Qualiquantitative and explanatory study, with non- experimental, prospective, cross-sectional and correlational design. Results: The factors associated with Pap smear refusal are: Sociodemographic factors: age (p= 0.00) marital status (p= 0.017) educational level (p= 0.050) occupation (p= 0.036) and origin (p=0.022). Cultural Factors: Belief that Pap smears cause abortion (p=0.008), Psychological Factors: Embarrassment (p=0.005), Fear of the result (p= 0.018) and belief that the exam is painful (p=0.029), Institutional Factors: Lack of privacy (p= 0.004) and Level of knowledge: medium level in 40.7% and a significance of p= 0.012. Conclusion: Sociodemographic, cultural, psychological, institutional factors and level of knowledge are associated with rejection of Pap smears.
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