Citas bibligráficas
Pacaya, G., (2023). Diagnóstico del manejo de residuos sólidos en establecimientos de salud I-4 de la ciudad de Iquitos, región Loreto – 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Pacaya, G., Diagnóstico del manejo de residuos sólidos en establecimientos de salud I-4 de la ciudad de Iquitos, región Loreto – 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Diagnóstico del manejo de residuos sólidos en establecimientos de salud I-4 de la ciudad de Iquitos, región Loreto – 2020",
author = "Pacaya Uribe, Grislith",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2023"
The management of hospital solid waste is a health security system that begins at the point of generation and continues in all hospital units until it reaches its final destination outside the establishment for treatment or proper disposal. The sanitary and environmental management of solid waste is a growing trend in the country, as evidenced by the environmental awareness of the community, local governments and the various institutions in charge of direct responsibility, such as the Ministry of Health. The present research work was carried out in the three Health Establishments I-4 of the city of Iquitos such as: Bellavista Nanay, Moronacocha and San Juan de Miraflores, whose general objective was to diagnose the management of solid waste in health establishments I-4 of the city of Iquitos, Loreto region-2020. The work was divided into three parts: first part: identify the generation services and the classes of solid waste generated by health establishments I-4 of the city of Iquitos; the second part: evaluate the stages of solid waste management in health establishments I- 4 in the city of Iquitos and the third part: determine the characterization of solid waste according to class, weight and volume generated in the services of health establishments I-4 from the city of Iquitos. The type of study corresponding to this research is descriptive and with a quantitative approach, because solid waste management data was collected and a measurement analysis was carried out. The research design is non-experimental-transversal. Non-experimental because there is no manipulation of the variable and the data to be collected were obtained from the management of solid waste; and transversal because the data collection was carried out in a single time, that is, they are valid for that moment. The population was made up of the three I-4 health establishments in the city of Iquitos and the sample for the care services of these health establishments. It is concluded that, in the verification of compliance with the aspects of management and handling of solid waste in the I-4 health establishments of the city of Iquitos, the majority of the care services have acceptable results and only a minority are deficient. In the three I-4 health establishments, biocontaminated and common solid waste is generated in greater quantity and special waste in smaller proportions.
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