Bibliographic citations
Chavez, A., (2023). Aplicación de la Tutoría Blended y sus efectos en la satisfacción académica de los estudiantes del primer ciclo en la Universidad Privada del Norte, sede Comas [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Gúzman y Valle].
Chavez, A., Aplicación de la Tutoría Blended y sus efectos en la satisfacción académica de los estudiantes del primer ciclo en la Universidad Privada del Norte, sede Comas []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Gúzman y Valle; 2023.
title = "Aplicación de la Tutoría Blended y sus efectos en la satisfacción académica de los estudiantes del primer ciclo en la Universidad Privada del Norte, sede Comas",
author = "Chavez Somoza, Alicia Roxana",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Gúzman y Valle",
year = "2023"
The objective of this research work was to determine the effects of the application of Blended Tutoring on the academic satisfaction of first cycle students at the Universidad Privada del Norte, Comas campus. The methodology used was with a quantitative approach, the design was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test, the type of sampling was non-probabilistic, the sample was made up of 28 students entering the Faculties of Architecture, Communications and Business, the group participants control and experimental answered questions from the questionnaire about factors that determine university student satisfaction, the treatment was the “Tutoring for leaders” workshop, carried out by the students of the experimental group, the modality used was in-person and virtual, during an academic semester. Regarding data processing, statistical analysis was performed Student's T test for paired samples. The data were subjected to the analysis of the Shapiro Wilks and Student's T tests applying the SPSS Statistics 25 program, these results were evidenced in tables and figures. It is concluded that Blended Tutoring does have positive effects on the academic satisfaction of students entering the university.
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